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Sonic looked at Rotor with shock. Rotor sighed. "Let me tell you how it started..."


"Everyone, please welcome our new student; Miles" An old racoon spoke, smiling towards a young fox who stood straight proudly.

When Miles first started here, everyone was surprised. By that time, he didn't look younger than fifteen, but many also wondered how he got in.

"Hello fellow students. My name is Miles and I have been studying medical, technical and physical studies for about four years. I may look too young for this, but I passed the exam with a perfect score" The fox told, smiling proudly to the students in front of him while they all shared a shocked expression. Rotor was among them.

Miles shocked us all with just a short speech. Later on as the weeks passed, we have all gotten quite a lesson not to underestimate youngsters...

"The metallic character is used to define the chemical properties that metallic elements present. Generally, metals tend to lose electrons to form cations. Nonmetals tend to gain electrons to form anions. They also have a high oxidation potential therefore they are easily oxidized and are strong reducing agents. Metals also form basic oxides; the more basic the oxide, the higher the metallic character" Miles explained, gaining every student's attention as he kept talking.

Miles was above our heads, both younger and smarter than all of us combined. I was one of the lucky ones that Miles liked, but it had its price...

"Rotor? Clean Nitrogen also means chocking gas right?" Miles asked, holding a pen into his mouth while thinking. "Mhm, throw clean Nitrogen in a room full of people, they will all instantly die" Rotor explained, looking at the fox. "Why ask?"

"Hm? Oh, just wondered" Miles smiled friendly at the walrus- continuing his work.

Sooner or later, we all started noticing Miles' questions have become severe. Asking questions like- What combinations can create poisons, what can make blood stiffen and so on. Along with his experiments...

"Warning! Everyone leave the building immediatly! Dangerous gases in the school!" The radio repeated, every student in the school ran like crazy to get out of the building before the gases reached them. They all thought they were safe, until the doors suddenly all locked.

Not everyone made it outside.. Me, and around twenty other students and teachers made it. But... We all had to see the gruesome scenes of our students being chocked to death in front of us...

But what was it that caused all of this? I mean, what gas?

Clean Nitrogen...

"It was an accident I swear!" Miles confronted to the principal. Tears running down from his eyes as he tried to dry them away. "Why would I kill my classmates on purpose?!"

On that day, I actually saw real sadness in him. He didn't mean it. The reason to why he asked me that question was because he had to be extra careful when experimenting with it. Until something similar happend. Again and again...

"This is the thrid time an accident have been caused..." A black female cat spoke worriedly. "An accident, or an action?" A blue dog looked towards Miles suspiciously, crossing his arms.

Many have started getting terrified or mad at Miles. That turned out to be a bad idea.

What about you Rotor?

I stayed on his side. I was his friend remember?

"Guys calm down. He may have caused many deaths, but they were all an accident" Rotor explained, but the others weren't convinced. "You sure Rotor? Or are you a part of his plans?"

Anger, confusion, fear, rumors. It just got worse. There was one day that changed everything. The day Miles confessed.

"Rotor...?" Miles opened the door to Rotor's dorm room slowly. "Yes Miles?" He looked at the fox, who walked in slowly. Closing the door behind him and sitting down on Rotor's bed. "I have a confession to make..." He said shortly, gaining Rotor's attention.

On that day, he told me that the first Nitrogen emissions were an accident, but the two others weren't. He told me that he enjoyed listening to others in pain...

Rotor didn't know how to react. "Rotor.." Miles looked at him like he was begging for help. Tears slowly developing in his eyes. "I think I am going insane! What do I do!?" Miles shot up from the bed, grabbing Rotor's shoulders and stared at him. Like a lost puppy.

"Miles... Calm down" He eventually said, slowly taking hold of Miles' arms and bringing him to sit back down. Miles' eyes wide with fear. "Why do I enjoy it..?" His voice cracked, a tear dropped on his clenched fists. His whole body shaking. "Miles-"
"Why are you listening to me!?" He broke. Looking at Rotor as if he is crazy. "Miles-" Rotor held his shoulders and looked him in the eyes. "You are scared" Miles broke out in tears, reaching out to Rotor who hugged him.

"I am sorry... I am so sorry! I shouldn't have done it, I shouldn't have!" Rotor looked at him. "You need help, I am going to help you, ok?" Miles nodded, drying his tears.

On that day, I heard more screams than I thought I would ever hear. Miles put another experiment to action before he visited me. He realized his mistake too late.

The police got him and prisoned him for murder. Ever since then, I haven't seen him. What caused him to be the one he is today? Pressure, rumors and mad scientists. Many hated him, which caused him to hate them back, just worse...


Sonic couldn't stop gaping. 'Fifteen and in prison? Almost killed every student on the school? This guy is insane!'

Rotor sighed, rubbing his forehead. "No one knows about me and Miles' friendship and I prefer it that way. Call me crazy Sonic; but I still belive that he needs help..." The walrus looked at him. Sonic shook his head to stop gaping and started thinking. "I think I agree with you.. If he became a murderer because of pressure and anger. He needs to go see a therapist..."

"Here" Rotor gave Sonic a folder of papers filled with information of Miles. "His birth date, pictures, documents, literally everything you need to know of his past is in that file. If I were you, I wouldn't show it to the world. Please keep it for yourself" Rotor smiled a little, Sonic returning the gaze. "Thanks man, and I am going to keep it away from curious asses"

Something touched Sonic's head. He reached his other hand up and felt a piece of something. He took hold of it and looked at it. A note. 'Not again!' A letter on this side as well. 'A...'

Rotor looked at him wide eyed, closing the computer quickly. Looks like he knows what these notes mean. Sonic slowly folded it open.

Look behind a purple man, run while you still can~

Sonic quickly looked up, a faint light shone from the window behind the walrus, seeing Miles right behind Rotor. "Ro-tor" Sonic spoke shakily. Rotor seemed to know what is going on and didn't hesitate to shout:


He moved as quick as he could, holding the folder close as well as the note. Running out of the building as fast as the sound could manage him to run.

A scream shot through his ears.

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