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"Wait! Why are you doing this!?" A white colored hedgehog shouted as he got tied up against a wall- unable to move. "My my, reading a book is no fun when you already know the ending right?~" Miles smirked, tying the last knot harder- making the hedgehog wince in pain. "When Sonic comes, he will-"

"Save you, I get it. If he is quick enough~" Miles eyed the hedgehog, his dark blue eyes digging into his yellow ones- while his smile made him shiver.

Miles picked up a syringe from a table not so far away and held it ready to inject. Silver froze and tugged the chains, but he couldn't avoid it. The hedgehog groaned when the tip contacted his neck and the liquid were being pushed in. "There you go cutie~"

"Why are you doing this!?" The hedgehog shouted again, sweat running down his face. The fox smiled and held Silver's head up with his hand, smirking. "Oh poor you~"

"When you are in massive pain-" Miles brushed his hand over Silver's cheek. "The sound of your heart beating faster-" His hand slid down his chest- and Miles could feel Silver's heart pace up.

"Is what satisfies me~" Miles picked up a console, pressing a button; multiple laser points shot right above his head and slowly started making their way down. "Oh, and also-" The fox picked up a note from his pocket. Putting it in Silver's jacket and zipped it shut. "Give this to Sonic will ya?~" Silver looked at him with a face of confusion.

"Have fun Silver~" The fox smiled and waved goodbye before making his way out of the building. Leaving the white hedgehog to scream out questions of confusion.


"Four down, two to go~" Miles smiled, checking off 'Silver' from his list. "Poor kitty~ She barely had it coming with the fire~" He dragged the sump green hood over his head and started walking down the street. The sun slowly settling in for the day.

He walked to the city with his head low, people walking past. No one notice that he is there, nor who he is. 'Cause who cares?' Miles thought, walking with his two tails spinned around one another- making them look like one. The thought satisfied Miles. Even though he is a wanted criminal, he still walks among other people everyday- and no one notices a thing.

'Talk about right under their noses'

But right about now, many might be wondering what his intensions are. What is he doing? Why is he doing it? Does he have a reason to kill? Why he chose Sonic's friends? The answer to all of these are: no. He doesn't have a reason, Miles just does what he does because it is- fun.

Miles took the train back to where he stays for the moment- Scrap Brain, where him and Sonic fought. The place have been abandoned for many years, but the building still contains weaponry, robots, metal, tools and so on- just that most of them aren't functional.

He walked in through the broken doors, his footsteps echoing through the hallways. The building big and empty, abandoned and useless. The fox turned a corner, walking towads a locked metal door. He slid off his glove, lifted his hand and held it in front of a pad- scanning it. A click sounded and the door slid open. Before closing after he stepped inside the room.

A huge, empty room covered with darkness welcomed him. 'Home sweet home~' A square, tall cornered room, only a small light gave the fox sight to where he walked.
Fidgeting with his butterfly knife- spinning it around his fingers as he slowly made his way to the computer, standing in the middle of the huge empty room on a desk. Cables from all corners attached to it.
He begun typing on the keyboard- pushing the last button and a wall suddenly slid open to Miles' left. He turned his head and walked over to it.

Covered in tons of syringes, liquids in different colors and their after-effects- along with different types of knives. In the center of the wall there is a chart. Pictures of people he have taken and who will be next. Unfortunatly, it's not only Sonic's friends on it. Tons of other unknown sivilians is placed as a target.

Miles smiled wickedly. "Oh Sonikku~ You have no clue of what is coming next!~"


"Silver you better use that god damn brain of yours!" Sonic shouted as he spindashed towards his living- though there turned out that the house is empty. "Miles didn't put the trap here...?" Sonic felt panic slowly get onto him, along with frustration. 'What now?'

Out of the corner of his eye, he sees a young girl running towards him. "M-mister Sonic! I heard a boy scream outside of a torn down building across the stre-" before she managed to finish the sentence, Sonic is already on his way towards this torn down building. Grabbing onto the hope that he have. 'I am coming silv...'

He busted the door open and looked around him instinctively- a distant scream caught his ears and he dashed to where the noise came from.

A door with a glass window shines brightly with a red light. 'Oh no! He have started already!' Sonic grabbed the handle, but it wouldn't budge. He looked through the glass and found Silver- hanging on the wall with his arms and legs attached. 'Damn it!' Sonic sweared, slamming on the door with his fists. The metal object wouldn't break itself open.

"Silver!!" Sonic shouted- and the white hedgehog's head rose a little up, gaining eye contact with Sonic. His lips moved, but the blue hedgehog couldn't hear a sound.

The weirdest part? The lasers didn't just move down, but some of them glitched out and started at the top again- some acted like guns. Shooting different places around the room. Sonic wondered if any of them have hit Silver yet. Looking over his hanging body, he noticed cuts, scars and blood slowly running down on his fur. 'Miles must have been hard on him... I need to get him out of there before it's too late!'

Silver noticed Sonic's desperation trying to get him out, so he smiled softly. 'I am not sure if he will make it in time...'

He kicked, spindashed and did whatever he could to open the door- but nothing worked. Lasers hit Silvers forelocks, cutting them off. Sonic didn't look, spindashing the life out of the door- until. A click sounded and the door sprung open. The lasers were centimeters away from Silver's head, but Sonic is faster and dragged the hedgehog out of the locks before the lasers cut through him. Now they ran down to where Silver just hanged. Silver only managed to smile, looking weakly up at Sonic. "Heh. Well now- woah!" He jumped away from a laser shot with Silver in his arms. "We both will be fried hedgehogs if we don't get out of this room!" He said, dashing out if the place- letting the lasers run freely.

A disturbing beeping run through Sonic's eardrums. "Do you hear that annoying sound?" Looking down at Silver. Suddenly- the white hedgehog's eyes went wide. "Oh no- we need to get out of here now! Miles planted a bomb!"

"And you are saying that now?!" The building shook, making Sonic almost loose his balance. He soon gained control and didn't hesitate to run the life out of his legs. Soon, huge pieces of upper flooring of the torn down building started falling down. "He must have planted multiple of them, not just one!" Sonic took a sharp turn to the right- avoiding a falling rock. 'Where is the exit, where is the exit, where is the exit?' Sonic mumbled to himself. Running with and almost passed out Silver is harder than imagined, but he can pull through it. Jumping on fallen down flooring and avoiding it at the same time, trying to find the exit. "S-sonic, t-there" Silver pointed with his left arm, to the right- a small white light from a door. "Thanks Silv-" Sonic sharp turned again, dashing to the door. The beeping sound louder than before. Just before he jumped through the door, he looked to his left, widening his eyes looking at the biggest bomb yet. The beeping louder and faster. Faster, faster, then- exploded.

An ear killing noise covered his ears as he contacted the ground. The beeping continued, but not in the bomb way. Sonic groaned- trying to pick himself up, but the impact hit him hard. His whole body turned numb. His eyes, they see burning pieces of wood, rocks laying all over the place and Silver. He is already out, but hearing the sound of sirens- made Sonic realize he and Silver is safe.

For now.

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