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Cold night air rubbed against his skin, forcing him awake. Groaning, he reached up to his neck, touching it gently. 'Ouch..' Sonic lifted himself up, feeling the covers slide off his back. 'Four years ago...' Sonic remembered Miles' words clearly, repeating them over and over again. 'There is an important piece missing from this twisted puzzle' 

"Good morning Sonikku~" The voice startled him, but he reacted fast enough to pin the person down to the ground.

"Where am I now you sick bastard!" This is the first time Miles' eyes have widened with surprise, but he only chuckled. "Relax love, you are in your room~" He spoke softly. Sonic took a quick gaze around. Turns out Miles spoke the truth. He is in his own room.

"And you know where I live?!" Sonic shouted, tightening his grip around Miles' arms. "It's like asking a polar bear where he comes from!" Miles laughed, enjoying Sonic's actions.

Sonic started to mumble things under his breath, his quills slowly going up in anger. "What are you planning?" He spoke through his gritted teeth. The fox smiled- looking into Sonic's eyes. "Sonikku, there would be no fun if you know my game~" He smirked. His heart pounding badly in his chest. Sonic sighed, giving up figuring out his game.

"Where is Blaze?" The hedgehog looked at him with a fierce expression. This however made Miles smile more, developing his insanity. "Oh Sonikku~ Your caring heart makes me warm~" Miles hugged his body with his tails. The hedgehog is losing his patience. "Where. Is. Blaze?" Miles chuckled darkly, receiving a hard squeeze from Sonic.

"Yes Sonikku! Give me the pain I deserve! That's what you want right? To give me misery?~" His eyes made the situation worse.Sonic stopped. 'He- likes that I give him pain?' He shakes his head, trying to avoid what Miles is saying. 'This isn't normal, it's crazy! No one likes pain!' 

"You look quite lost- You really don't remember, love?" Miles asked, looking into Sonic's eyes. The hedgehog shakes his head and lowered his ears. "I don't know what the hell you are talking about! Nor do I believe anything you say- so shut up fox before I put you in jail where you belong!"

Miles turned silent, just looking up at the hedgehog with shock. Only Sonic's breathing could be heard in the room. An owl howled from outside, filling the silence with a little noise.

Miles smile suddenly awakened. "You used it!" He whispered, eyes wide as circles. "You really used it!" Miles laughed insanely. 

"What?" Sonic couldn't be more confused- used what?

His laughing made Sonic shiver- 'He knows something that I don't... I mean, he usually does- but this one concerns me...'

"Oh Sonikku~ Of course you don't know or understand anything" The fox's eyes got covered in darkness, his smile soft- but scary. The hedgehog looked down at the fox. "Tell me- tell me what I used"

"Mm-" Eyes scanned the room around him, and then back to Sonic. Tilting his head. "What about no?~ Where would the fun be in telling the answer?" He responded.

Sonic growled and gripped his wrists harder, making him grunt. "Listen here you naughty fox- you either tell me what is going on- or you land in jail!"

Miles looked at Sonic in a few seconds of silence- before he snorted. Trying his best to not laugh. "What's so funny!?"

"The way you are trying to be serious! It's hilarious!" Miles whinced from laughing.

"Why you little-!"

"Oh pl-ease. Don't be so angry, it really doesn't suit you" Sonic opened his mouth to speak, but Miles interrupted.

"It's your fright that you are hiding- Sonikku~" His sweat dropped, heart beat increasing.

"This isn't a game Miles! Now grow up and listen to what I have to say!" Miles' smile faded, as if the fun is over. Chuckling softly and turning his gaze away.

"My my, how the words fly between our lips~" The fox looked up, disappointed. "Not that you remember though- that is what makes this so pointless" He laid his head down, relaxed his muscles and gave in- but his eyes remained glued to Sonic's. "What are you talking about?" The hedgehog asked a little softer this time. Miles sighed. "Why don't you ask your friends? They may know something~"

Sonic is way beyond confused, secrets are being thrown all over the place- and he haven't even been able to catch one. "What are you hiding..?"

Miles smiled, but softly. "That's what you have to find out, Sonikku~ but trust me, you may get shocked of what will be hiding behind the curtains" He pushed Sonic's head down with his tails- closing the gap between their lips. Sonic's heart raced like a million engines being used at the same time, not daring to move a muscle.

'Why does this situation feel familiar...?'

His soft breath tickled Sonic's nose, before he pulled away. Panicked that he would meet his lips. Leaving the fox on the ground, chuckling.

"You haven't changed much, huh?" Miles stood up, brushing his clothes. "May we meet soon, Sonikku, in a more- painful situation~" He waved, walking out of Sonic's room.

He didn't move, nor budge from the floor. His heart numb, eyes and mouth dry. A door slams shut from downstairs, and Sonic can hear Miles' footsteps in the puddles of water outside- leaving the area.

He lays down, exhausted from the meeting- even though no running were involved, not fighting either. His mind have never been so focused on words, he could remember every word Miles said- as if his life depended on every single letter. Letter...

Sonic pulled himself up from the floor and over to his drawer beside the bed. He opened the wooden thing and picked up the letters he have received from Miles earlier- laid them on the table and looked over them. The weird dreams he had during the night had to mean something... Maybe Miles is hinting towards them?

Sonic stopped and looked at a letter he haven't noticed before. "X..." He flipped the note open and read:

Ding ding, you got mail

Sonic dashed downstairs and opened the door to the house, opening the mailbox that hangs on the wall. Another note. Running inside and slamming the door shut- he laid the note among the others. Looking at it. "O?"

When you look at me, I am you.
If you don't, I am the room.
What am I?

"Weird. Miles always give longer notes. Maybe he ran out of ideas..?" Sonic chuckled softly, beginning to think. 'When you look at me, I am you...' He looked around his room, searching for something that could be him. He picked up pictures of him, but no note. He tripped downstairs to the living room and looked. His patience is short-lived and he walked to the bathroom. Looking at himself in the mirror. "What can be me when I look at it? Like a changeling or something-" He blinked, making a face to himself in the mirror.

He looked a bit up, seeing a yellow small note attached to the mirror. Walking upstairs again, he looked at it.


Congratulations Sonikku! You have found all my notes!~ We may meet again when your fate is final~

But what fun is there in playing, when you don't know the game?
Seek out a pink hedgehog, and you will know soon how I became~

"Amy... Guys... What is going on...?"

Sonic mumbled, heart sinking. "They have all been hiding it from me- all this time"

He laid the note down, folding it back so he could see the letter. He looked over them- this had to become something. He sorted them out from when he got what. Leaving O and T out. He soon placed O in the middle of Y and U. Placing T at the end. Reading the letters carefully, his heartbeat increasing. Pounding badly in his chest. Fear and insecurity overtaking him. The letters saying:


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