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Stepping back with fright running through his body, his heart beat increasing to no end and his eyes filled with awareness- Sonic remained calm in front of the crocodile. As Vector have been spying on his actions since the very beginning, Sonic have lost his trust in the detective agency, as well as the police. “Look Vector, I don’t know what you are thinking right now, but I am not a traitor. You got this all wrong” He said, calmly. Looking him in the eyes.

“Shut your mouth before I do, Sonic. We trust you, trusted you. What do you do? Stab us all in the back with your plans” Vector scowled, loading his gun in hand. Ready to end Sonic’s life. “What in the whole wide world are you talking about?! I am still on your side! Miles is playing with me like he does to everyone out there, you don’t understand what situation you are in Vector!”

The green crocodile now have his gun placed on Sonic’s forehead. Threatening to shoot. “Our cooperation is over Sonic. You haven’t just betrayed the detective agency and the police, but also let innocents die with serious amounts of pain they didn’t deserve” He pressed the gun against the head, pushing him towards a nearby tree. “You have never met Miles face to face! He will trick you to catch your own tail!” Sonic shouted, but Vector is without ears to listen with.
“We will catch Miles, if it’s the last thing we do. Your job is over, so is your life. Goodbye Sonic”

“I don’t think so” A gunshot echoed in the area around them. Sonic fell and covered his ears as fast as the gunshot sounded. He quickly looked up, meeting Vector’s gaze. His eyes wide and his right hand covering the left side of his chest with blood covering his white glove. Soon after, he lost his footing and fell down with the struggle to breathe.

Sonic turned around, his eyes widened once more with surprise. A person hiding, up in a tree- who is none other than Miles. His clothes hiding his presence in between the leaves. His hand holding a gun, he raised it up to his mouth, blowing the dust away from the fire hole. “About time he shut up, that guy is a nuisance”

The hedgehog did nothing but watch him jump down from his hiding spot. Slowly walking towards where he stands. His heart rate speeds up, yet his feet did not budge. A cold, but warm feeling shot through his veins. Relieved that he didn’t get shot, but unsure of what Miles wants and how he even knew about this. Dozens of questions running through his head, but none of them have an answer.

“You look so shaken love, and that concerns me, what’s wrong?” Miles closened in, but keeps his distance, careful not to scare him too much. Sonic, stiff as an icicle, looked at the murderer- catching unknown details about the fox.

Under the moon that is now revealed from the clouds coverage, shines down onto the fox’s fur, lighting up his presence. His gun is put away into his pocket and he doesn’t seem to have any other weapon armed- but who knows... His dark green hoodie, together with his dark blue jeans lit up by the moon, but only from his back. One detail however caught his eyes. The fox’s eye color. They did not face the light, but they have a shine, an unknown shine.

Something deep down in him recognize that shine. An emotion- a helpless face… ‘help me… please…’

A click grabbed the hedgehog’s attention away from Miles. The green crocodile have his own gun pointed towards the fox, arm shaking from the gunshot on the left part of his chest. “Miles Prower, murderer of thousands-"
“That’s me~” Miles interrupted, poking his tongue out, smirking by the amount of courage he contains. Vector loaded the gun, ready for it to shoot. “Let’s make this quick then- painful or harmful?” The crocodile growled, waiting for the fox to answer, so he could be satisfied with the death. “My my, I don't have that many choices huh? They are pretty much the same, but-" Miles inhaled- then exhaled air. A puffy cloud escaping his lips from the rising cold of the autumn night.

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