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"Shout out if you see or hear anything, I need to know immediately" Espio told his men, letting them run to the three other hallways shown from the entrance, each cop equipped with a gun, flashlight and a communicator.

What the police are investigating is an abandoned mansion, once owned by a rich couple that passed away for about six or seven years ago. No one else in their family was interested in taking over the huge mansion, so no one else inherited the house. Therefore it has been open to many, even though it is locked with every lock possible- many have managed to sneak inside and take the belongings.

Lately, the police office has gotten messages from near neighbours and passerby's that they have been hearing noises from the mansion, so the cops went to investigate.

Espio and three other men joined him to walk through the main hall, leading to the gigantic dining room. They turned on their flashlights to see around in the room. The electricity in the whole mansion is down, so the only lightsource they have is the flashlights and the little light the moon can give through the windows.

From where they are, they can hear muffled noises. Like people whispering. Espio eyed his men and pointed his head towards the right. He opened the door slowly, hearing the old wooden plate creak. The chameleon peeked both left and right before waving his men over to him. The muffled noises are getting louder.

Espio waved his men over and gestured them to only point their flashlights down, just in case someone would come from the opposite direction. Once they quietly turned a corner, Espio and his men felt a sudden and quick heart attack. Four or five men lies paralyzed and tied up on the ground.

"What the-" Espio whispered out, quickly takes out his gun and gestures his men to check out the mobians. He points his gun to the hallway they came from and where it leads on further down.

"Sir. Two dogs, two cats and one bunny. All of them owns a gun and a phone, but the guns are emptied..." One of his men informed him. "Emptied...?" The chameleon mumbled.

"Someone else is here... Contact three others and tell them to carry these mobians to the cars, you two- come with me" Espio ordered, both nodded and followed Espio deeper down the hallway. As they walked further, they could hear the muffled noises get louder than before. 'So the noises didn't come from the mobians earlier... We and the noises are in the same hallway...'

"Ssh" Espio stopped, so did his men. The noises stopped and everything went silent. Before Espio and his men did anything, he could see a lump of something light in color beneath his feet. Right after, a small object rolled up to him, knocked softly against his shoe before standing still.

"Pull back!" Espio shouted as the item blew up in a thick fog right in front of them. Him and the two other guards jumped backwards, just in time to see a fast moving figure punch into one of his men in the face, then moving over to the other guy. Espio's corporate fired his gun in all places, but he didn't seem to hit the figure.

"Have you heard about aiming old guy?" The figure taunted, moving left, right, ducked and jumped. Just to tease the guy. "Grr! Quit it!"

"All right, if you say so" The figure pointed what looks like a gun on the cop and fired. What got shot wasn't a bullet, but it looks like a spider web of some sort. Even so, the item wrapped itself around the cop and glued him to the wall, making him unable to move.

Espio is left. The figure shot itself towards the chameleon, but with the amount of experience he have with his past training, he easily dodged. Standing in his ninja pose, he got out a star and threw it towards the figure who just landed. If he calculated correct, the star would hit its hoodie and make it stick to the wall. Sadly, that's not what happened. The figure may have anticipated the star's arrival and moved to the left just as its toes touched the ground.

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