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The day Sonic sprinted away with high speed from Eggman's lair, Miles in his arms, Mobotropolis Police and G.U.N soldiers came to inspect the lair after receiving a distress signal from what appears to be from one of the soldiers.

They searched around the base with flashlights, knowing that the power is down all over the industry.

After a while, one of the soldiers called out for one of his cooperatives, who called out for others as well, telling them that he found his other soldiers... now unconscious.

Later, researchers managed to confirm their unconsciousness, simple as sleeping gas, that must have been thrown into the cell as soon as they fell in.

None of them were seriously harmed, but covered in... different gooey stuff.

Eggman is nowhere to be seen, but no one knows that he were a part of this massacre anyways.

Rotor is also seen spotless, no one knows about his real intentions and no one knows where he is or may be. Or if he will ever come back to try out is plan once more. As long as he knows that Miles is alive, he will not stop from trying to gain his information...

Vector was found in a cell build up in glass. A screen outside of his glass-cell showed many video-clips of him losing it, his insanity growing and more signs of him being unstable. His expression showed nothing, but he didn't look scared nor feared... he did not fight back either when G.U.N soldiers cuffed and brought him to their van.

He was later sentenced to eight years in prison, including lessons with a psychologist and therapist to fix his mental illness.

But there has not been a single sighting to where Miles and Sonic is located. Easier said, nobody has a clue. Many assume that Miles is gone and even the government wants to confirm him dead, but they cannot do so before they have any real evidence.


"Do you think that they are still searching for us?" A flock of birds flew over their heads, their shadows sliding over the fox's and hedgehog's bodies, as the cold wind dragged in their fur.

"Well, you are the most dangerous murderer in all of Mobius that has gone 'missing', so yes. I think they are still searching for ya" Sonic smiled, arms behind his head.

"Hm" Miles mumbled, hands in the pockets of his hoodie and the hood over his head, to cover his ears from the sour wind.

The pair found themselves in an area named Palmtree Panic. An open place covered in all types of plants and palm trees, but are mostly all dead due to the season.

"Have you been here before, running around with that crazy speed of yours?" Tails questioned, gaining Sonic's attention with the use of the word 'crazy'

"Crazy speed of mine?" Sonic stopped in front of Tails with his hands on his hips, holding a grumpy face.

Tails chuckled. "Aw, is the hedgehog sad because I said you have crazy speed? I really didn't mean to hurt your feelings, I am terribly sorry~" Smiling as he did so, moving his hand around.

Sonic puffed out a cloud of frost from his nose, which caused Tails to snicker more.

"Well, if you think my speed is so crazy, then why don't I show you exactly HOW crazy it is?" Sonic scooped up Tails in his arms, catching the fox off-guard. "Soni-!"

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