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'I know now why everyone is so scared of him- his laugh, his smile, everything. He makes me uncomfortable'

'Yet when I saw his appearance, height, and looks- my vision changed. Do I like how he looks like? Or am I going mentally insane?'

Sonic ran straight home after the encounter with Miles. For the first time in his life, he felt scared of him. Even though he appears to be younger- he is strong, clever and filled with knowledge.

'That is one smart ass kid...'

Sonic thought, rubbing his head as he flopped down on his bed.

Sonic's friends wondered if he was ok or needed help as he ran by them, not bothering on answering. Cream tried to cheer him up by baking him cookies, it sort of worked- but not much.

He isolated himself completely from them and started thinking about Miles' encounter. 'He let me go... But why?' Sonic couldn't figure it out. 'He also told me to not think, just move... Was it a hint or warning?'

Sonic pondered while moving his ears in annoyance. He couldn't fight a serial killer who knows everything about Sonic- unless...

Without a second thought, Sonic found himself in front of the computer scree, searching on the internet for information, hoping to find out anything about the fox. By searching and searching, he couldn't find anything. Only past news and murders he have done- and a few insanely pictures of the guy. The hedgehog sighed. 'I can't find anything on the internet, maybe he deleted any footage of himself...'

If the internet doesn't have any information about him, where would there be? Sonic leaned back onto his chair, resting his arms and head. 'Could there have been a place where he went to when younger?'

The doorbell rang for the third time this day, waiting patiently to be opened. The hedgehog didn't bother opening at all, it is probably Amy or Cream trying to cheer him up with cake or something.

But no- this time someone knocked some kind of rhyme on the door. Then there was silence. Sonic looked downstairs suspiciously, slowly walking downstairs and opening the door. 'Amy nor Cream ever uses a rhyme knock...'

He opened the door and looked outside, only to see no one there. Sonic poked his head to the right, left, up and down- a note.

A cold shiver ran down his spine, making a few of his hairs stand up, together with his back-quills. With a shaky hand, he picked up the note- closing the door and opened it:

Wanna figure out more? Go and knock this rhyme on a certian school door~

'He knows where I fucking live, great...'

There is also another letter on the other side. 'U?'

Sonic didn't think, but he ran. Running towards every school he knew where was and knocked on the door with the exact same rhyme as Miles did.

'How did he even come to my house unseen? How did he know where I live? What is his age?? Ugh! I have so many questions!'


By now, Sonic have visited every school there is. Knocking the same rhyme over and over again. Nothing.

The moon is already up on the starlight sky, shining ever so brightly down on the earth. Sonic stopped in his tracks, looking up. "Man, I can't remember the last time I looked up at a sky like this..." Sonic talked to himself, resting his arms behind his head while smiling softly. "Maybe I'll look up at the stars again soon? Maybe with someone- wait, what a thought is that??" Sonic hit himself on the head, shaking it afterwards.

"I better move if I need to find that school... wait- Miles is a mechanic, genious and a scientist... The Science school in Knothole!" Sonic realized, not waiting another minute and dashed towards his destination.

The Science school in Knothole, a huge building and with a very big population among the mobians. They say that only the best of the best came in on that school. A few yeas ago, the school shut down. No one really knows why it did, and none of the students said a word. It is still a mystery- until today.

The hedgehog ran up the hill that leads to the school on top, or to say building. The big white block that was adored by many- is now empty and cold. Wildlife have taken over this building as well, plants growing inside and outside of the place.

The school is a three floor, white building that is built in a square. Just the fourth wall chopped off. A small fountain in the middle of the plaza, (obviously not working) and a few broken benches.

Sonic did as he have done many times today, knocking the same rhyme on the door. Yet, no answer. "Jeez, maybe he meant another school-"

The door opened with a loud creaking noise, startling Sonic. "What is it with the creepy surprises!?"

"S-sorry Sir... I didn't mean to scare you. As you can tell, this building is quite damaged..." A dark, but shaky voice spoke from inside, revealing a person who walked out of the door. A tall, sort of chubby purple walrus looked down at Sonic. He is wearing a white lab coat, its pockets filled with pens and notes, he is also wearing a pair of glasses.

To him, he looked terrified, looking around himself as if he expected danger at any minute. His hands shivering and eyes wide and worried.

"Hey, you ok man?" Sonic asked, getting sort of worried for the walrus. He got taken by surprise, looking at Sonic with worry. "N-not really, But don't worry about me. Come with me please" He carefully pushed Sonic inside, not leaving him the chance to ask why.

The walrus took Sonic inside, locking the door with what looks like a thousand locks and walked inside. The building is dark and hard to see anything, so Sonic couldn't see his surroundings. "Follow me sir" The walrus called out, making Sonic follow his lead.
"Call me Sonic" He said happily.

After a few minutes of walking, they both reached what looked like a specialized computer room. The walrus, again, locked the door with a numerous number locks.

"Sorry for my sudden approach si- err Sonic. But you knocked a knock that only us previous scientists used-" Sonic looked at him wide-eyed. His heartbeat increasing.

"And also, my name is Rotor" He smiled a little, trying his best on being cheerful to the hedgehog. To his luck, Sonic was pleased to hear his name and at least a little bit of happiness.

"I guess you have come here for a reason Sonic?" Rotor asked, rubbing the top of his head with wonder. This answer is something Rotor may not like. Sonic sighed and picked up the note Miles put on his doorstep and gave it to the walrus. Who took it and read it quickly, his eyes widening.

"Oh no... He is after you isn't he?" Rotor asked, giving the note back. Sonic just shrugged, looking confused at Rotor.

"Anyways, if Miles gave me this note all of a sudden, and told me to come here. I guess it must have been for a reason. What can I find here that I can't find anywhere else?" Sonic asked, crossing his arms and looking around in the room. Spotting several broken computers, together with some technological parts here and there.

"Well- there is one thing" Rotor tapped on a computer keyboard, revealing a huge green screen above it. Looking to be the computer screen of the keyboard. Sonic whistled. "High-tech"
Rotor seemed to be happy that someone adored his work, and he started looking around in his folders. Sitting down on his black computer chair.

"Can I ask if you previously have tried to search Miles' name on the internet? Only to get nothing?" He asked, not looking away from the screen. "Yup- Tried today" Sonic answered shortly, leaning on Rotor's chair.

"Then this is your lucky day my friend-" Rotor clicked on a folder called 'Miles' Files' revealing many documents inside.

Rotor turned the chair around, making Sonic almost lose his balance. He took off his glasses and looked at Sonic, kind of sad.

"You may have figured it out by now, but Miles was a past student on this school" Sonic nodded, leaning against the wall a meter away from the walrus. He sighed.

"And- this school is the very reason to why he ended up being the person he is today..."

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