1. School's Out For Summer!

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1. School's Out For Summer!


School's out for summer, School's out forever, School's been blown to pieces.

Not only was the party finishing for summer, but they were finishing Middle School for High School in Autumn. Even though Max had been at Hawkins Middle School for less than a year, but she was so excited to leave Middle School.

Lucas and Dustin had almost thrown their books into the bin but then decided that they would use the books for the bonfire they will be eventually having. 

Max had decided to scare Lucas, by jumping on his back and demanded a piggyback. Which he could easily do, because he wasn't as weak as Mike, but wasn't as strong as Dustin.

The party walked out of the school for the last and final time, and the saw further down the carpark, was the chief of Police - Jim Hopper, and at his side, was Jane 'El' Hopper.

El with her curly hair, her overalls, as she bounced nervously at meeting the party 'for the first time'. Hopper had said that Nancy was tutoring El for high school, and it made sense for El to meet friends 'her own age', meaning Mike, Will, Lucas, Dustin and Max.

When Mike's eyes met El's, they both tried to hide the fact that they were excited to see each other (because El was in hiding, it was once a week they could see each other).

"Hey, Hopper," Will smiled at the chief, the man who had been there for him, Joyce and Jonathan when he was missing and when the Tessalhydra had taken him over.

"Hey Will," Hopper smiled back, reaching over and ruffled the bowl cut that still sits around his head. "Wheeler, your sister's been tutoring Jane," Hopper continued, putting his hand on El's shoulder and put her in front of it.

The party smiles at the girl in front of them, putting a greeting front on, even though they'd already met her and loved her. "This is Mike, Nancy's little brother," Hopper spoke, pointing to the tall, dark-haired, gangly young man. "That's Max," he pointed to the red-head. "And Dustin," Hopper then points to the curly-haired teenager. "Lucas," then to the dark-skinned young man. "And Will," Hopper finally points to the one who's hair he just ruffled 5 seconds ago.

El waved shyly, even though she'd already met them, she put on a shy front, which is exactly how she acted when she met the boys.

"Kids, this is my daughter, Jane. But she likes to go by El, don't you?" Hopper said, rubbing El's shoulder as he looked down at her. She nodded shyly and dropped her eyes to the ground.

Mike smiled at his girlfriend and stuck his hand out for her to shake. "Nice to meet you, Jane," Mike smiled, calling El by her 'official' name felt bizarre on his tongue, but if they were in public, he'd have to get used to it.

"Nice to meet you too, Mike," El smiled, her eyes twinkling in the sunshine, which could make Mike melt into a puddle of goo.

It was a better version of how they originally met, but neither of them would change how they met for the world despite the circumstances.

"It's nice to be able to finally have a girl in the party," Max commented, smiling at El, who raised an eyebrow in mock confusion.

"The party?" She asks, looking up at her father, and then over at her friends.

"It's what we call ourselves, I'll explain it soon," Will speaks up, making El smile at her somewhat stepbrother.


School's out forever, School's out for summer, School's out with fever, School's out completely  

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