25. Making Smores

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25. Making Smores


Mike was sat in the basement, on the phone with El for their usual phone call late at night. Then he realised that the boys would be coming over any second for their sleepover (as Max would be heading to the cabin for the girls' sleepover).

When they arrived, they could see Mike was on the phone with the love of his life, El, and decided to tease him (like they always do).

Will put his bag on the small table and unrolled his sleeping bag, watching as Lucas and Dustin attack, Lucas pushes Mike to the floor as Dustin takes the abandoned phone and puts it to his ear.

"Hey El, it's your favourite member of the Party," Dustin smiles, watching as Mike scrambles against Lucas, wanting to get the phone back from Dustin.

"Hi, Dustin," El smiled, as there was a knock on her door. "Give me a minute," she said to him and let the phone hang down and opened the door for Max and properly greeted her.


El clicked open the locks and opened the door, seeing her red-headed best friend, her skateboard in one hand and her backpack over her shoulder.

"Hey, El! Ready for this sleepover?" Max asks, stepping into the cosy cabin and taking her shoes off, her dad back in California always told her to take her shoes off unless she's told otherwise.

"Yes," El smiled, opening her arms for Max, and the girl set her skateboard and bag to the floor and wrapped El up in a hug. It was El's favourite way of greeting the people she loved.

Max saw the phone hanging where it was sat on the wall near the fridge. "You left Wheeler on hold?" She asked, pulling away and looking at El in the eyes.

"It was Mike, but Dustin took the phone from him," El explained, and the look on Max's face was one of pure joy. Teasing Dustin, the easiest part of her day.


"Henderson, what's hanging?" Dustin heard Max say after he heard the girls reuniting after just a short couple of days apart.

"Max, how lovely to hear from you," Dustin said, making Lucas look up at the sound at his girlfriend's name. "What you gals got going on tonight?" He asks, as Mike held Lucas back from getting to the phone - call it payback from Mike getting his call time with El shortened.

"Magazines, a couple of games, El wanted to try smores-" Max said, before getting cut off by Dustin.

Dustin's face fell instantly as a look of horror and anguish collected on his face. "You're making El smores, WITHOUT ME!" Dustin exclaimed, as Mike had finally gotten Lucas off him and swiped the phone back from Dustin.


After a short conversation between Mike and El, they both hung up the phone. El turned to Max and smiled at her best girl-friend.

"You wanna make smores?" Max asked, holding up a bag of marshmallows, a bar of chocolate, and a box of graham crackers.

She nodded and watched as Max set out the ingredients that they would need. "What you do, is you get one of these, this is called a Graham Cracker," Max said, holding the biscuit between her fingers, and allowing El to try one (which she liked). "You put a marshmallow on first," she let El try a marshmallow (despite the fluffiness getting stuck between her teeth, but the sweetness hit her taste buds). "And then chocolate," Max let El try a small piece of the chocolate, knowing someone back in California who was allergic to chocolate.

After Max made the smore for El, it was determined by El that liked the smores and wanted Max to make more for her.

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