30. Girls Night

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30. Girls Night


With Billy having gone back to California for the summer, to spend time with his mother's side of his family, it was clear for El to come round and visit (as Max's mother is the sweetest woman that Max knows - and still doesn't understand why she married Billy's dad, but it brought her to Hawkins, and to the Party™ so she is no longer complaining.

When Max put forward about a sleepover at her house to Hopper, he happily allowed her to spend time with Max - thankful that she had a friend that was a girl.


El was dropped off by Hopper at 6 pm, and a backpack with her clothes for tomorrow, her pyjamas for tonight. She unbuckled her seatbelt and smiled at her father.

"Have fun tonight, ok, kid?" Hopper says, smiling at her as she quickly piles out of the car to spend some time with the only girl she knows.

She nods happily and reached over to press a kiss to his cheek. "Thanks, Dad," El smiles and shuts the door behind her, making her way to the Mayfield/Hargrove front door.


There was a knock at the door, and Max scrambled off her bed and ran headfirst to the door, only just beating her mother by a hair length.

"Maxie, what's the rush, sweetheart?" Susan Hargrove, Max's mother, asked, watching as Max flattened the hair around her head that had become a frizzy mess.

Max opened the door, and there stood El, her backpack over her shoulder and smiles brightly when the girl opens the door.

"Hey, El!" Max smiled, opening the door wider, and allowed the girl to walk in. She did, and Max shut the door behind El. "Mom, this is El. El, this is my mom," Max introduced the pair.


After El was officially introduced to Max's mother, they went off to Max's room and they began reading Wonder Woman and the piles of magazines that were sat on Max's desk.

Max and El were happily giggling over the celebrities photographed on the glossy pages in the magazines and the drawings in the Wonder Woman comics.


Max's mother made the girl something simple for dinner (macaroni and cheese, after Max had told her that it was something that El liked).

"Girls, dinner!" Susan called, tipping the remaining macaroni into the third bowl for herself.

Max and El came tumbling into the kitchen and sat their bowls at the kitchen table and started eating their dinner.

"Girls night going ok?" Susan asks, as she slowly eats her dinner, looking between her daughter and her daughter's friend.

They both nodded and launched into what they have done so far, and it made Susan smile - happy to see that Max not only has a group of friends that she can rely on but a friend that is a girl that Max can bond with.

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