5. Swimming in the Quarry

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5. Swimming in the Quarry


Since 1983, none of the party ever wanted to go to the Quarry ever again.

• Mike, El, Lucas and Dustin because they found Will's 'body' in the water.
• Mike, El and Dustin because of the fight against Troy and James.

But Max wanted to see the quarry as she had grown up with the beach (and the rest of the party grew up with the quarry).


For old times sake, El climbs onto the back of Mike's bike (a bit of a struggle with Mike having a huge growth spurt) but they managed to share the bike and went to the Quarry.

For Dustin, there was one good memory that came to mind, was when El came back and broke Troy's arm (and saved Mike from falling into the water).

El still remembers when Mike hugged her tightly after telling her that she wasn't the monster.

Max had no memories of the quarry and wanted to see why the rest of the Party™ hated this place.


Pulling up at the quarry, Max left her skateboard where the boys were leaving their bikes and looked around at the place.

"How can you hate this place?" Max asks, looking over her shoulder at the people she calls her friends.

El was sheet white and shaking slightly, Mike was paler than usual and cradling El, Lucas and Dustin were holding Will's shoulders - remembering when his 'body' was pulled out of the water.

"How much time do you have?" Lucas sarcastically said, looking over the ledge and into the lake-like pool of water.

Max blinked repeatedly, looking at the dark-skinned boy, and then around at her new-found best friend/only girlfriend, El. Pale as a sheet and shaking like a leaf.

"El, are you ok?" She asks, looking at the tiny, curly-haired, puppy-eyed brown-haired girl.

She is given a sheepish nod, from the slightly clueless girl, Mike was slightly cradling her into his side, as they walked over to the Quarry ledge.

"It's all ok now, El," Mike whispered in her ear, he just wanted to keep her safe and sound, in his arms.

She nodded, knowing that because of Mike, and the rest of the Party™ would keep her safe, they would never let anything ever hurt her.

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