7. Movie date!

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7. Movie date!


Mike had finally gotten through to Hopper, and he has now allowed Mike to take El out on a proper date, rather than being stuck indoors watching a VHS tape.

Mike was debating as to whether to take her to see Back to the Future, The Goonies or The Breakfast Club. But, he knew when he took El to the theatre, he'd watch whatever El wanted to watch (he practically worships the ground she walks on, and he knows he is practically wrapped around her little finger).

He knocked the special knock and waited for the locks to unlock. When they do, Hopper is stood before him, a smile on his face.

"Wheeler, come in, she's just finishing getting ready," Hopper held the door open wider allowing Mike in. "Kid, come on, Wheeler's here!" Hopper called to her, walking over to the small bathroom.

She made a loud noise of frustration, making Mike raise a worried eyebrow.

"Come on, kid, it looks fine, you do realise that you could be dressed in a potato sack, and he'd still think that you're the most beautiful girl on the planet," Hopper explained, looking down at his daughter, who was currently struggling to make her hair sit right.

Mike flushed pink and looked up from staring at his feet when he saw her walk out of the bathroom, in a pair of blue denim wash overalls over a black and white striped mid-sleeved t-shirt and a pair of white socks - with her yet to put her shoes on.

"Wow. You look amazing," Mike commented, as El flushed pink to what Mike said.

"Thank you," she says, turning around to look at her dad, for him to say when she should be coming home.

Hopper looked at the pair stood before him, "No later than half past 5, that's when you're dinner will be," Hopper explained, and handed over El's comfy Converse trainers that she refuses to leave the house without.


When they arrived at the theatre, as Mike chained his bike to a section of the rack, El looked at the ginormous posters displayed towards her.

"Which one then?" Mike asked, looking at the Back to the Future poster more than the rest.

El looked over her shoulder to Mike and saw that he was looking at the different poster for what he was. "That one," she pointed to the one Mike wanted, rather than the one with the soft colours and the cool kids.

"You sure? We can go see The Breakfast Club, if you want to," Mike offers, looking down at her.

She smiles up at Mike, "You've done so much for me, Mike. You want to watch that one, so we will watch that one," El reached up and kissed Mike's cheek. "Let's go!" She giggled happily, as she dragged Mike by the hand into the theatre.


After a small debate as to who would pay, Mike happily bought the tickets, El bought her own popcorn and drink (much to Mike's annoyance). They were curled up together watching Marty McFly struggle through 1955.

They walked out, full of giggles and happiness. "Biff got what he deserved," Mike commented, wondering if he should wrap his arm around her shoulders.

El nodded, and looked up at Mike, before nuzzling into his side. "I'm happy I saw it with you," she said, smiling at him.

Mike smiled down at her. "So am I," he kissed the top of her head and realised what the thing he was thinking of. "El, can I... ask you something?" Mike tells her, as he stopped walking.

El's eyebrows crinkled, wondering what on earth was going through his brain. "What?"

"Maybe, if you want to, maybe you want to b-be my... girlfriend?" He asks, looking at her, worries running through his veins.

She smiled happily, having heard the word, 'girlfriend' before. "Yes," she nodded up at Mike.

"Really?" Mike smiled, as she nodded again. Mike grinned like a maniac and cradled her in his arms.

They were finally dating, they were each others and no one else's.

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