29. Of Popsicles and the Floor

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29. It's too hot to do anything besides sit on the floor and eat popsicles


The Party™ were laying on Mike's basement floor, as the heat from this summer was basically killing them. They had been given the old fan from the Wheeler's loft and were taking it in turns to have the cold fan blowing the air in their face.

El and Max were sat on the floor, leaning their heads against the couch, where Mike sits close to El's side, but not to close to overheat them. He was running his fingers through her hair, which was slowly sending the girl to sleep.

Dustin was sat as close as the fan, trying to get the most of the cool air. Lucas was sat about 5 inches away from Max (the girl had dumped him for the 3rd time this summer), and Will was laying on the ground in front of Max and El.


Karen Wheeler came down the basement stairs ready to put the next load of laundry into the washing machine when she saw her son and his friends roasting in the heat.

"Michael, sweetie, why don't you go and get some popsicles for you and your friends?" Karen offered, setting the basket down and looking at her baby boy.

He nods and pushes himself away from the couch with more force than what he would usually peel himself away. Max also pulled herself away from the couch and got up to help him. El watched as her best friend and her boyfriend went to go get some popsicles.


Mike and Max had asked the Party™ which kind of popsicles that they wanted, and then went to collect them. The only thing they really had in common was El.

Which is why they were both thankful that they didn't take to long in getting the popsicles and down to their friends.

They got back downstairs as Karen had finished sorting out her washing and started the machine, and when she turned around, her boy and Max were handing out the popsicles that they had just taken out of the freezer.

"Well, it's a good thing I got a lot of them," she commented, as they started eating the popsicles that the pair had brought down for them.


Once the popsicles were finished, they put their wrappers on the little table (which will later leave sticky marks, and Mike would get a small lecture from his mother).

They were all sat where they were before Mike and Max brought down the popsicles, with Mike's sticky-less fingers running through El's shoulder-length hair.

Stories From Summer; Stranger Tales From The Summer of '85Where stories live. Discover now