3. Water Balloon Fight

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3. Water Balloon Fight


Water balloon

A water balloon or water bomb is a latex rubber balloon filled with water. Water balloons are used in a summer pastime of cooling off through water balloon wars.


In preparation for this water balloon war/fight, everyone had been filling bucket after buckets worth of water balloons. El had Hopper fill hers, as she had no idea what to do with them, as the rest of the party would be taking them to open space of the Wheeler's backyard (as it was the biggest and had better hiding spaces).

Hopper and El took the majority of the water balloons where the war would be happening, as Hopper would be dropping El off at the Wheeler's (and Mike would let El in through the basement door).

The rest of the party would be bringing buckets hanging on their bikes and/or in their backpacks as they go to the Wheeler home.


"I'll see you later, kid," Hopper said, rubbing the hair on El's head, as he helped her take the mass of water balloons to the car and took them to the basement door.

"See you later," El replied, she doesn't say 'goodbye' anymore to anyone, not after she 'disappeared' in 1983.

Hopper waved to his daughter and left the property to go to the police station. El waved back and watched the police truck go away into the distance. She gently tapped on the door, as the door opened and there stood Mike Wheeler.

"Hey," Mike smiled, reaching over the buckets of balloons and wrapped her up in a hug. Even though he was as warm as the sun right now, she didn't care about how warm Mike was, he was comfortable (considering he was very tanky and boney) and smelt like her first home.

"Hi," she replied, snuggling into Mike, narrowly avoiding the light grey bucket that held the water balloons.

Mike looks down at the buckets, and then up at the girl before him. "Let's take them into the backyard," Mike said, picking up as many buckets as he could, as El took the rest. From the way El could see, Mike was trying to take as many as he could and not leave them all to El.


Once the rest of the party had arrived, they instantly engaged in the water balloon fight, with young Holly Wheeler joining in - taking the El and hiding behind her when water balloons were thrown in their direction. 

Whenever Mike looked over at his sorta, maybe girlfriend El who was protecting his little sister from the water balloons, his heart grew three sizes seeing this. It was so heartwarming.

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