11. A "Stand By Me" moment

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11. A "Stand By Me" Moment


El never realised how much she would hate train tracks, even when she was kept hidden in the lab - all she wanted was to see the world outside the four white walls. But, after walking along those tracks, seeing the lab in the distance, all she wanted to do was to protect the friends she had made.

But now Dustin wanted to go to the quarry, which meant that Max wanted to go along the train tracks (she wanted to have a happier memory of the train tracks than of Steve shining a torch in her eyes and being almost abandoned in the middle of a town that she doesn't know).

However, El didn't want to go to the quarry (despite them already visiting the quarry earlier on in the summer break), and she especially didn't want to go along the train tracks. No, that's a lie. She doesn't want to, she REFUSES to go.


"El, are you ready?" Hopper called when he let her friends (also known as 'The Party') into the small cabin. What Hopper hasn't told El - or any of her friends, only Joyce - is that he is looking for a proper house, close to her friends. In town, 

"I don't want to go!" She exclaimed, refusing to move from her comfy bed, her blanket resting over her lap and the teddy bear that once belonged to Sarah - gripped lovingly in her arms. Every day, she looked at the teddy and promised Sarah that she is looking after Hopper and making him into the loving father (and decent human being) he once was all those years ago when Sarah was alive.

Hopper sighed heavily, looking down at the only person he knew would be able to get through to El.


With one look from Mike, Hopper gave Mike the nod - allowing him to go into El's room and speak to her.


"El? Can I come in?" Came the soft-spoken voice of Mike Wheeler, El's favourite person on the planet. There was no one else she wanted at her side other than Michael Wheeler. She wanted him for the rest of her life. Even though she knew Hopper and everyone else says they are too young to know what they want for the rest of their life - she knew she wanted Mike.

"Mike," her sweet voice replied, and he knew that this way El's simple way of saying that he was allowed in. He gently twisted the doorknob and walked into El's bedroom - there was only so many times that he could count being in El's bedroom on one hand.


After some serious grovelling and begging from Mike, promising her that she will be alright and that he will make sure that nothing will happen when they go along the train tracks, or when they're at the quarry (again). 

"Have a good time El!" Hopper called, waving at El, as she struggled on Mike's bike (even though she is learning to ride herself - she isn't as confident or experienced as the boys on their bikes or Max on her skateboard).

Looking over her shoulder, she pulled a face at her father - who pulled a similar one in return as they went into the woods, and out of his sight.

He looks up to the blue sky and fluffy white clouds and smiles. "I'm doing it, Sarah. I'm becoming a better dad, sweetheart. It's because of your sister,"


Mike was pushing his bike, looking to his right, and smiles. El was sat on his bike, her hands underneath his. Even though Mike was holding the bike and pushing it along the train tracks, El's feet were on the pedals and she let her feet relax as the bike moved along the bumpy train tracks.

"You doing ok, El?" Will asked her, he loved El like a sister (they were both hoping for the day that their parents properly admit their feelings and get together).

She nods, turning her head to look at him, giving him one of her small smiles that she only reserves for her close friends and her family.

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