9. Summer Nights - A Grease Mini AU

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9. Summer Nights - A Grease Mini AU


El watches from the sidelines, as Mike wins the Thunder Road Race against The Scorpions. After Mike and she had gotten into a huge fight at the drive-in cinema, causing El to storm off and into the arms of her best friend Max.

As the Party™ celebrated their win, Max turned around as saw El perched on the side, looking like she felt left out - which made Max's heartbreak.

"I'll be one minute, I'll catch you up at the diner," Max promises, quickly planting a kiss onto his lips and ran over to El. Lucas watched as his girlfriend, ran to the girl sat on the sidelines - missing her friends, especially Mike.


Mike watched as Max ran over to a girl in a pink sweater with ribbons on her shoulders, curly, untamed hair, a pair of blue, acid wash jeans and what looks like a pair of Converse.

It was El!

Mike felt like he had been tripped up, as he let go of Will, and started to walk over to El.

"Mike? Where are you going?" Dustin exclaimed, watching one of his longtime best friends walk away.

"It's El," Lucas said, pointing to the girl now speaking to Max.


Mike stood behind El as she spoke to Max about possibly changing herself.

"You don't need to change," Mike spoke up, causing El to freeze in place, and Max looks over at Mike. When El didn't turn around, Mike gently put his hands on her shoulders and turned her around so she was looking at him. "Darling? What's wrong?"

"Obviously I need to change, people think we don't belong together," El said, looking down at her feet, only for Mike to grab her chin and make her look in his eyes.

Mike looked at her and wondered why she said that. "It doesn't matter what they think, it only matters what we think, I like you as you are, isn't that enough?" Mike asked, as he also had doubts.

"I like you the way you are as well!" El said, holding Mike's face.

"So we ignore what everyone says, and just focus on being happy?" Mike asks hopefully, smiling at the girl before him.

She nods and hugs him warmly.

Stories From Summer; Stranger Tales From The Summer of '85Where stories live. Discover now