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just because a fic i read a while ago inspired me to write something short. it won't have much to do w the story itself but enjoy anyway


RJ800 and RK800 sat on the couch, taking in the details of the show they were "watching." Hank wolfed down generic brand cereal and was currently on his 3rd bowl. Connor had tried convincing him to eat healthier, but his response was "I'm here for a good time, not a long time."

Sumo trotted his way in between the sofa and television, tongue and tail wagging.

"That's a heckin' big doggo," Connor observed. Hank audibly choked on a mouthful of corn flakes.

"UwU I must agree, that's a big ol' floofer," Y/N added. Anderson was left in a bewildered stupor, milk dripping from his mouth.

"The hell's wrong, the both of ya?" Lieutenant asked. In unison, they looked back at the human.

"We went through your phone when you were in the shower this morning," Y/N explained. Connor finished her sentence.

"We came across a plentiful folder of 'memes' from your time." He had pronounced it as mee-mee's, which already made Hank uncomfortable. "OwO stay hydrated, Lieutenant 💦!!"

 "OwO stay hydrated, Lieutenant 💦!!"

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"Did..." Hank had a hard time finding the right words. "Did you just say 'water emoji' out loud?"

Y/N approached the android and man in the T-pose.

"Did you hear that Despacito 2 was discovered by NASA?" She asked, arms still raised. Her lips were curled.

"No, but you so fuckin' precious when you smile," Connor gently sang, emphasizing each word.

"No, but you so fuckin' precious when you smile," Connor gently sang, emphasizing each word

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"Can you quit it?" Anderson spat. "This is... Unsettling." Y/N began to spit random memes and Connor followed, alternating turns.

"Four female Ghostbusters? The feminists are taking over!

"I'm an adult virgin!"

"Salesman: Slaps roof of car."


"It's an avocado!!!"

"This is so sad, Alexa play Despacito."

"Your mom gay."

"No you."

"Your dad les--"

"ENOUGH!" Hank's body was in a threatening pose. "Keep your eyes off my phone and stop talking like that!" Both Y/N and Connor paused in the middle of their nae-nae.

"Sorry, Lieutenant," they both announced. The three people and their dog settled into their original positions and continued with their tasks.

"I'm completely done with you two," Hank sighed.

"Hi 'completely done with you two,' I'm Connor, the android sent by Cyb--"



idk man i hope someone laughed at this even tho i spent 15 mins writing it.

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