chapter nine

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"Gavin, if I may inquire you once more, I would have to resort to more painful methods of questioning."

"You're going to hurt me for not answering your question? Fine. Yes, I have two cats," Gavin barked, slamming the door to the linen closet for the twelfth time in half an hour.

Indigo and Gavin had been staying together against their own liking due to the new partnership. However, both people saw their roommates as different things. For example, Indigo considered it as a living space to share and bond with her partner and Gavin saw it as taking care of an egg in Child Development class. He might as well boil it and leave it in the fridge until the end of the semester. Or in this case, the android is staying in the closet until a case appears that requires both pairs of hands. Of course, due to Indigo's nature and curious personality, this closet door has opened an unholy amount of times in such a short time frame.

"Whadya say to some fruit salad, Caliber?" Gavin asked, facing the large gray cat perched on a bookshelf. "I know it's the third time this week, but you know I can't help myself!" The juxtaposition of his soft voice but the hard face was something he vowed to never show in public - reputation is important, especially among his coworkers.

"I hadn't expected Detective Reed to... behave this way," Connor mumbled, eyebrow cocked as he and his human partner lay in the bushes, a few meters away from the window.

"Bad cop with a good side," Hank mumbled, hoisting himself up from his knees. "We could take the back door, then two lefts -- that'll take us right to Indigo without alerting Gavin."

"Backdoor, left, left, bind and gag Indigo, remove communication chip on the arm, then..." Connor counted the steps on his fingers, pausing at the sixth step. He looked up with great fear in his eyes towards his soon-to-be father figure as he looked at his hand. "Hank... I don't have six fingers."

"Fuckin' Christ, Connor," Sighed Hank, grabbing him by his arm and leading him towards the door. "Get Indigo and I'll watch the window to make sure Gavin is focused on his... me-time."

Nodding, the android made his way towards the screen door, carefully cracking it open. Thankful for the carpeted floors, he tip-toed his way, following the exact directions that were given. Giggling and the clicking of a fork seemed distant enough to distract the detective.

His cold hand found the equally cold doorknob of the closet, twisting it with great caution. A highly advanced killing machine was only a few inches of wood away and there would be no doubt that even the slightest of ticks would alert her.

Taking in one last exhale, he swung open the door and immediately shoved the thick leather onto the being's mouth, tying it at the back of her head. The brief shock of the actions disoriented the robot into forgetting her dexterity when in combat. He took her jacket collar and flipped her around, one arm on her jacket and the other squeezing the gag. Together, they shuffled through the exit and Hank jumped out, sitting on her back as she was facing the dirt ground. Switching jobs, Hank gripped her body as Connor did and Connor pried open a panel on her forearm, plucking out a small chip. Handcuffs clinked onto her wrists and were forcefully snatched by a pair of strong hands. Whose hands, she couldn't identify, considering she was close to analyzing the dirt with her tongue any moment now.

"Communication panel removed," he whispered, crushing it with his foot. The duo stowed their hostage into Hank's vehicle and made a break towards his house, doing their best to stay near the speed limit.

"What it the meaning of this?" Indigo bellowed, spitting the gag from her teeth, which now dangled on her neck. "Whoever, whether inside or outside the United States, seizes or detains and threatens to kill, to injure, or to continue to detain another person in order to compel a third person or a governmental organization to do or abstain from doing any act as an explicit or implicit condition for the release of the person detained, or attempts or conspires to do so, shall be punished by imprisonment for any term of years or for life and, if the death of any person results, shall be punished by death or life imprisonment."

"What the fuck are you talking about?" Hank inquired, eyebrow cocked as his hands remain tightly gripped onto the wheel.

"She's... reciting the United States Code for hostage-taking," Connor explained. "I can't see that programming to be useful since apparently normal abductors tend to not speak with such complexity. I suppose she's warning us if we get caught." They glanced in the rear-view mirror, watching her struggle from her binds. Her head snapped up, glaring at Connor with a yellow LED.

"RK800 #313 248 317 - 60, I will report your deviance to the authorities and you will be terminated," Her eye twitched as she attempted to contact the police station with her emergency. "What did you do to my communication?"

"I'll tell you what we did," Hank started. "Bashed it and your chance of escaping against the ground. You're not reaching anybody, pal."

The car swerved violently, finally pulling into the driveway. Connor grabbed their prisoner and guided her to the front door, pushing it open and immediately taking her to the bathroom.

"I saw your address! I'll remember it when I get back to the Detroit Police Department!" She shouted, flailing in his grip. "115 Michigan Drive, Detroit!"

"You're not going back to anybody, Indigo," Connor snapped back, throwing her into the bathtub with nearly fatal strength. Any normal human would've likely cracked their skull against the porcelain and passed of brain damage. He opened the cabinets under the sink, finding an array of chemicals and hygiene tools. In the medicine cabinet behind the mirror, there was a needle, scissors, a razor, and several blades.

Hank, who had been finding weapons in his home, stormed through the door and placed items such as a blender, iron, knives, and even a handgun onto the counter. Connor swore he'd never seen his eyes that dark before, even on the day of their meeting.

"I have done my research on your model, and I have discovered that CyberLife equipped you with pain sensors, which truthfully, was a very... very poor choice. Perhaps it was to make sure you had not unintentionally harmed yourself, but tonight is going to be everything but unintentional."

It was the first time that night that Hank and Connor had a clear view of Indigo. Her face was just like Y/N's, but her eyes were a wine red and her eyebrows were stern.

Her black and white suit had creeped all the way up her neck, which elevated her already tall figure. She had to be at least a couple of inches taller than Connor, who is 6 feet tall. At first, it was hard to even consider the idea to torture someone who looked so similar to his lover, but there was one defining trait that set the two apart.

Of course, it was within the guidelines of creating an android negotiator to have them look approachable, but although Y/N has been deceased for only a day or so, Connor couldn't get the picture of her warm E/C eyes. They were soft and reflected the light of the galaxy. He could spend hours counting the stars in her eyes. In the workplace, she was assertive but extremely polite. It was admirable to both humans and robots, and her charm was what guided his affection. The cold, unforgiving stare of this new being had only a third of her qualities, if barely that. Her stare was blank but showed enough emotion to claim dominance. Her glance had not successfully put him in a submissive state, but rather fired him up more than ever.

"I reckon we are going to have one hell of a time," Connor finally mumbled, running his finger across a large cleaver blade. Behind him, Hank guarded the door and almost eagerly awaiting the pain to come. Indigo's expression nearly never faltered, aside from the minuscule amount of apprehensiveness in her eyes, which both of the men quickly grew to despise.


I wrote this in one sitting, which has a grand total of 1,392 words. As i mentioned in my last author's note, I am incredibly sorry for such slow updates. I struggle to keep up with motivation, inspiration, and my own schedule outside of wattpad which does not give me time to sit down and write a 1.5k word chapter. Thank you all for almost 3,000 views! I never thought i'd get this far with this story, and this was actually a part of my last act. If this story never got as far as it is now, i would've pretty much never written another story again. i would say stay tuned for another chapter, but truthfully, i expect the next chapter to come out within a week or more. have a wonderful night!❤



whose point of view do you want to see in chapter ten! comment on your choice!



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