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You leaned back in the seat. You were wet but the heater was saving you. Hearing you make silent snores Jimin turned the heat up a bit. The rain had blocked few ways so there was a traffic jam. He slowed the car and waited for the traffic to start moving.

You two were not that close nor did you two ever spent some quality siblings time together. All he could remember was that you two were always caught up in fighting over stupid stuff. Like when he'd taken the bite out of your ice-cream or he'd stolen your text books to know which exam was tomorrow.

You weren't the innocent little bean either. You used to take revenge on him by walking out in front of his friends. Taehyung and Jungkook were shocked when you accidentally walked into the kitchen looking for breakfast. They hadn't expected Jimin's dad to marry off your mom. At first Jimin felt really ashamed of it but later this secret settled between those three since they had encountered you two together before your parents said the,"I Do".

Actually you and Jimin had teamed up to make sure they didn't marry cause you two didn't like to spend the rest of your lives in the same household with half-siblings AKA toddlers running around the house where Jimin feared he'd have to babysit them and cancel his plans. You feared not being able to study due to the continuous pestering of a baby's cry.

You both were gonna succeed but one day Jimin smiled at you and told you he had given up. He wanted for his father to have your mom as his wife. Jimin had told you that he thought of it for the best,he made you change your mind as well. But when you asked him why was he allowing this marriage?...he answered with a smile and said,"I want to repay them both for the time they gave us!Don't you think they deserve each other?"You couldn't help but smile in response...and then you two nodded at each other and went inside the dinning hall where both of them were waiting for the approval of their kids.

You two gave them the unexpected response. Your mom ran over to hug you two. While his father gave him a smile saying Thank You Jimin...to which Jimin replied with a wink.

You were dreaming the day off the wedding...Jimin and you were being dressed in the same VIP-room with different sections in it.You were with a stylist and Mrs.Lee who seemed to wipe away a tear after every two seconds. While Jimin was in the other room,two tailors fixing his suit and one stylist.

You walked out holding flowers and he came out with a tin of Coke. You snorted in his direction which he returned with a groan.

"You look undeniably good,Park Potato!"you mocked.

"I always do...big sis!...But you...the dress is hot!"he remarked winking at you.

Then moments later you stood with your future father while he brought in his future mom. Jimin had a smug smile on his face throughout the whole time he walked with the bride. You noticed it but tried ignoring it. You didn't want his good looks to kill the emotional moment.

You looked at your mom...she looked amazing.You wanted to weep but you knew she wasn't going anywhere so it was useless.

"Someday...you'll be the girl walking that path!"you thought looking at your mom's approaching figure and a blush crept over your face.

"Someday...you'll be the guy standing there!"Jimin thought looking at his father standing there looking at the bride walking that path and he shivered,feeling like he'd vomit.

You two say your parents take oath to stay by each other's side no matter what...well both of you knew it was going to be paradise for them but hell for you two...still you enjoyed the moment.


He looked at you all snuggled up. He wanted to rest as well. The rain got heavier and the traffic also got more jammed. Well he couldn't take it!...he wasn't your butler right!...

He took off the seat belt and snuggled himself up...after he parked the car by moving a little further. By the time he woke up he felt a small warm breath on his neck.

"Huh?!"he questioned whispering and looked down. You had fallen on him and your face was buried in his chest as your small breaths hit his crook. He wanted to shout at you and shove you out of the car like kick your butt out and when you'd complain,he'd point a gun at you saying,"Hasta la Vista!"and then drive off by killing you. That is what happens when you're siblings. But he couldn't do it cause if he did,although he wanted to,his dad would dig his own grave for him.

Jimin tried to move you but you had grips on his shirt. Like you were having a nightmare. He felt it funny how your breath hit his neck making it tickle...but he also liked it how you snored silently. Not like the last girl he brought to his place. She snored so loudly that he had to kick her out of his room's window. He gave her your undergarments and then kicked her butt,throwing her out of his room.

But right now...he wanted to take a picture of your scrunched up nose....and so he did.


You woke up in a familiar room but you knew it wasn't your's. As soon as your vision settled you felt your breath hitch. You were in Jimin's room.

"Oh!you're up!"he smiled walking out with a green towel hanging around his neck.

"What am I doing here?!"you asked feeling pissed.

"Oh...nothing I guess!"he smirked looking at his phone,"this is what you were doing!"He held out the picture to you. Your eyes widened as you saw it. He smirked at your reaction.

You gasped.

"I know but you'll have to do what I ask you-"

"I look so cute!"you screamed.


"You have to give it to me!...please little brother!"you pouted and crawled up to him. He felt his blood boiling...why couldn't he black mail you?!...damn it hurt to have a smart ass sister.

"GET THE HELL AWAY FROM ME!"he yelled holding up the phone so that you couldn't reach it.

"Aww...come on,Jimine!"you jumped at him. Guess the rain hit your brain or were you just trying to make his blood boil. But in the end you got what you wanted...you made him delete the picture. You had won the fight of the day. You were celebrating your victory when he threw you out of his room and slammed the door behind you.It hit your head.
"Ouch!"you hissed rubbing it. But as you entered the room you had a small silent smirk on your face...

"I'm sorry,Jimin...but you woke up too soon,I had to pretend like I was asleep the whole time!"you thought smirking as you slipped in the warm and cozy shower.


So Nuggets...whatcha thinking huh?!

Also to know when the feelings start to stir up...keep on reading! XD

I WON'T DATE MY BROTHER!!!(au)*slow updates*Where stories live. Discover now