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You twirled the pencil around your fingers again and again. You looked at the clock,it said 4:00 am in the morning. Then you looked down at your feet cause the vibration of the music coming form downstairs had ruined your morning study plans. You had fallen asleep when you came home yesterday so you woke up at 2 in the morning to study all you had learned in the class. But somehow since the moment you were up you couldn't even get a single alphabet in your mind cause the boy downstairs had the deck up to full volume in the T.V lounge.

The music vibrated every single thing of your room including you.

"Urgh!"you groaned getting up,your patience was ending and the temperature of your body almost reaching it's limits.

"I swear I'm going to teach this kid a lesson he'll never forget!"you mumbled clenching your fists.

You stomped downstairs to the ground floor. Your room was at the second one, Jimin's room was on the first floor.

The moment you were entering the lounge this song started.

You slammed open the door and saw him dancing like a lunatic.

He turned to your screaming self and ran up to drag you inside as well. You tried to stop him but he grabbed your arms and threw on his shoulder and sang along with the song.

"Park Jimin!"you yelled but all he could hear was the song and the music asking him to offer himself to you."Park Jim-" you yelled again but he threw you on the sofa and jumped onto you. He was in midair when you slid to the other side and he landed on the soft seat...He frowned at you and then crawled towards you. You were kinda scared because of his strange behavior so you ran to catch the remote.

"I'll be your temporary fix!"he sang and ran behind you.

You took the remote but all of a sudden you felt a pair of hands grabbing your waist and warm breath hitting your neck. You lost yourself for a sec and felt his hand tracing up on your right arm,then you realized what he was doing and elbowed him in the stomach making him flinch. You ran away with the remote in your hands,he ran after you.

You tried to turn the music off but he pulled the remote out of your hand and turned the volume even more. You jumped on him and tried getting it back,he threw the remote to side and again grabbed your waist.

"Not so fast,Noona!"he smirked licking your cheek. You screamed disgusted and brushed your face where his saliva had hit you.

"Eww!"you grunted and pushed him away. He let go of you and fell down. You ran to the remote again,but this time you fell on the ground,a hand had grabbed your leg and pulled you towards itself. You looked back,Jimin was pulling you but you tried your best to reach the remote. He hopped on you but sadly for him and gladly for you...you had the remote in your hands. You were victorious and he looked at his failure.

You turned the song off.*turn it off now*

You made the victory pose again and he sat straight,making a puffed up face. He turned up to look at your figure. You amused him and honestly he liked it all the trauma that happened right now...and somehow he wanted more of it.

"So,Mr.Potato...I'll be leaving now!"you explained. You were about to take a step,he placed his leg in front of you suddenly and you fell down. He jumped up at you.

"What are you doing?!"you asked struggling.

"Making you pay for beating me!"he smirked,"and as far as I can remember...we have unfinished business from last night!"He wriggled his brows up and down.

"No!No!Jimin!"you covered your mouth...he was smirking to the fullest. The moment was going good till you hit him in the balls. His face went white and you got a chance. You turned over and crawling on your belly you escaped. Well,he recovered pretty fast since that part of his had been hit many times while playing and in other situations. So your feeble attack was nothing much.

"Oh!no you don't!"he raged and pressed you down on the floor again.

This time you had lost strength...you were not able to move cause his whole weight was too much to bear.

"I'm going to-"

You both heard the sound of the front door swinging open and somehow you two knew the person who was coming.

"What is all of this noise?"Mrs.Lee swung the door open. Her mouth fell down as she saw you lying down with Jimin on you...again!

'Care to explain this?!"she asked crossing her arms.

"We were just playing!"Jimin bubbled."Yeah!siblings love!"you joined him as well cause you were not ready to have a lecture at the moment.

"Playing?!"she raised an eye brow.

"Yeah!"He cuddled you. You felt bursting with anger cause his hands were grabbing you at the wrong spots. You tried stopping him but he gripped fast,you let out a small squeal.

"You want a lecture!"he whispered angrily.

"I don't want any!"you whispered back.

"Then try to act nice,princess!"He complained. Then he looked back at Mrs.Lee and smiled at her.

"Stop touching my breast!Idiot!"you whisper shouted. His eyes shot up. He looked down,no wonder his hands had gripped on something so soft!

"Okay!enough sibling love!"he sputtered and let go of you. You both stood up and dusted your clothes.

"The breakfast will be ready...be downstairs in time for it!both of you!"Mrs.Lee ordered. You two nodded and ran upstairs.


You got ready. You were habitual of making twin tails since your hair were pretty long. You wore your glasses and swung your bag on your shoulder. Jimin was downstairs already. You joined him and took your pancakes.

"Yah!Jimin-ah!"Tae ran inside yelling,as usual. Jungkook followed him silently.

"Dude you did it!"Tae exclaimed. "Did what?!"Jimin quizzed.

"You won the impress list!"

"Impress list?"he asked.

"It's a list on which every girl votes for the guy who has or had impressed her...it's an old thing in our school,but you won,that's all!"Jungkook explained.

"I knew I'd be the topper in everything!"He boasted and then looked at you,as if he was mocking you.

You rolled your eyes. The two guys went outside telling Jimin they'd wait in the car for him. He finished his breakfast.

He got up and was ready to leave but you got the door first. Something weird was going through your mind,like the fact you hadn't voted or he had failed in impressing one person in the entire school.

"Impress me?!"you said with a serious expression.

"Do what?"

"Impress me!"you doubted.

"But why would I do that?"

"I doubt it...never mind...forget that I ever mentioned it!"you waved him off. Well you thought that it wasn't a big matter more like something that ended at the kitchen door,but somehow you had left your little brother in thought. It was kinda weird since the only girl in school,even he knew about it,that the only girl he hadn't impressed was you. You two were in the same middle school but Jimin barely saw you once. He had always noticed a girl sitting on a bench by the field with her books but he had never given her thought...Well, something that bugging him now when he got in the car was his inner self saying one thing which he didn't knew...that why did it even matter?

His car passed you on it's way to school. He saw you walking to at the side walk not even noticing the pedestrians or anyone else. You were dissolved in that book in your hand. He thought of this again and again."Impress me!"he thought fidgeting with his fingers.


A/N: Guys this story is somehow going to be a success...I know it. Also it's a bit based on a friend of mine.

But to find out what happens next...keep on reading! XD

I WON'T DATE MY BROTHER!!!(au)*slow updates*Where stories live. Discover now