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It's sort of a compensation chapter for the upcoming delays and the previous ones, thank you for your love and support.

Also to those who don't like my work, please stop reading it, I know I have major grammatical errors, I just can't find the time to edit it. So kindly stop hating; as I've said it before...you are free to leave.



He was asleep,after three days of non-stop practice he went to sleep in peace. The final evaluation was up and Jimin wanted to make sure his basketball teams cleared out the preliminaries in order to be selected for the officials. He knew as their captain he had led them to victory only.

It wasn't that he found it hard, Oh Jimin knew he was the sugar candy for the seniors, they were desperate to lick on his talents but his teammates were his main concern, these guys had worked really hard to get here. Jimin's dream was to lead on Korea's best basketball high school team and he had invested a lot in this one.

"I have to make it,"he whispered to himself before he fell asleep.

2 hours went by and no one saw him. He sure was tired. "Jimin!"a guy woke him up.

"Let me sleeep!"he whined, twisting and tossing. "JIMIN!GET UP!THE ROYAL GUARD IS HERE!"The guy pushed him out of his bed. "Royal what?"he woke up with a jerk. His face went Jungshook mode when he saw that he was somehow not in his own room. It was a wooden cabin filled with straw and small wooden furniture. 

"WHERE AM I?"he asked. "You're in your home,sis,"the guy who was waking him up from the start replied. "SIS?"Jimin made a disgusting face. Who was this guy?he stared at him closely.


"Oh my sister...I'm so sorry for not being able to protect you, I'm so sorry,"Tae wiped his tears,he had a dirty face and a beard, no wonder Jimin couldn't recognize him,"I'm poor and useless...his highness had asked you in the royal palace today...I can't help it,"Tae started to cry.

"WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?"Jimin jumped out of his bed. He ran up to the mirror,"STOP SPOUTING NONSENSE, TAE!"

He took a look at his face,okay he did not expect this to happen. He had long hair,a beautiful face and even nice boobs. "HOLY SHIT!"He cursed, tripping on his own foot. He took a look at his dress, it was a worn out frock made of sack and cotton. 

"I must be dreaming-"

"LET THE BEAUTY OUT OF THE HOUSE OR ELSE WE'LL BURN THIS WHOLE COTTAGE!"The guards knocked the doors violently. Jimin looked at Tae, worried to death. What was happening?

"I'm sorry,Jimin,"Tae whispered,"run out from this underground passage and run to far far away!"He shoved Jimin to a backdoor. It had a small passage, an underground path.


"I'll hold them off as long as I can!"Tae pushed him. "NO!YOU'LL GET KILLED-"

Tae pushed him again,smiling with tears in his eyes,"I love you sis,"he covered the passage with a wooden board.

Jimin heard the door breaking and guards rushing inside. Jimin knew he should run, he started to run with a dim torch lit in his hands. The fire torch was handed to him by Tae at the last minute.

"What is happening exactly?!"Jimin asked, dragging himself to an exit. It took him thirty minutes of constant running. He saw the sunlight hitting an end. 

"Finally!"he reached the exit. He climbed out, it was an open area. A beautiful garden with many many flowers and fountain in the  center.

"Where am I?"he frowned.

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