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As they prepared the things Ji Yong needed for residing in the hospital for a while longer, Ji Eun and Jeongguk wanted to have a good time away from the hospital. So Jeongguk came up with a plan. 

"Ji Eun-ah-" Jeongguk stopped on the side of the road, and held Ji Eun's small pale hands looking her in the eyes. 

She had on Ji Yong's yellow backpack with extra necessities ,and held some side dishes she made in his kitchen for him to enjoy while in the hospital. She looked into his eyes ,and was instantly drawn to him. 

"let's do something fun. Get away from the hospital ,and clear our minds of these tragic past few days." 

Ji Eun instantly smiled and gripped his hand a little tighter. 

"Let's run away to the promise land."he continued.

"Oh? And where's that?"she laughed.

Jeongguk spread his legs apart and put his hands on his side making him look like a superhero. He made a scrunched up face and squinted his eyes. He raised his arm and spoke. 


Ji Eun broke out laughing and Jeongguk still stayed in his same position looking really confused staring at her face.

"Why are you laughing?" he asked. His confused face turned into a frown. 

Ji Eun was still laughing until she finally got closer to calming down. She put her hands on his shoulders and looked at him. She laughed so hard tears flew out of her eyes.

"Jeongguk-ah, you do understand we are Korean idols. That means our fans will be vouching to see us." She assured him. 

Jeongguk heavily sighed and no smile accompanied him this time. He dropped to the floor and crossed his legs with his hand in his palm.

Ji Eun officially calmed down. She looked at Jeongguks vacant smile and lost hers. She got down and crossed her legs on the middle of the sidewalk as well. She stared at him while people walked past them and whispered their names. Mostly Jeongguk, because they couldn't recognize Ji Eun under her sunglasses. No one ever could most of the time.

Finally Jeongguk perked up a smile ,and Ji Eun was relieved. He jumped up and a sparkle glimmered in his eyes. 

"OK I think I know what to do!" He smled.

-1 Hour Later after dropping off Ji Yong's things of course-

"Ok JI Eun ,put this on." said Jeongguk handing Ji Eun a black mask. They were huddled behind a bush right outside of a local water park that was gigantic and crowded with many people. 

They were both bent down in a bikini and swimming trunks together. They now both had dark sunglasses on ,and black bucket hats. 

"Wow Jeongguk, what a great plan. We totally aren't going to get caught. I can already tell today is going to be a fun day today, WOW!" She sarcastically stated.

Jeongguk lightly hit her leg ,and she picked up their bag carrying both of their clothes.

"It's going to work. Trust me ,it's going to be fun." He smiled looking back at her.

Ji Eun gave Jeongguk a faint smile back. They both looked forward and picked up their masks. They got up and walked towards the entrance. 

They locked arms,and began to walk more and more awkwardly. They stepped in area and a little girl ran bumping into Jeongguk making him fall. His hat fell off, and he instantly panicked thinking he was going to be exposed. 

He awkwardly struggled to get his hat on while Ji Eun stood in embarrassment. 

Ji Eun quickly but awkwardly picked him up, and they both tightly locked their arms together. They were secured closer, and fear was written all over their faces. 

"Jeongguk-ah let's go home, I don't want to get caught. Ok?"she asked arching her eyebrows showing concern. 

Jeongguk looked at Ji Eun and spoke. 

"But we can't. We must have fun, and together we can overcome anything as long as we have each other. We are here to have a good time. Make sure your glasses don't fall off." He confidently said while picking up Ji Eun's glasses. 

It was the first time Ji Eun did a summer activity in the daytime. She always feared going out knowing if she saw the bright sunlight in her eyes she would get scared. 

People awkwardly looked at them when they rode the water slides,and ran through the water sprinklers, but they didn't care. They were having fun together, and that is all that really mattered. 

 They laughed and were chasing each other around overall having a good time. They finally settled down and went over to the ice cream stand. They walked towards it and waited in line for a few minutes until it was finally their turn. 

"$2.50 please." smiled the ice cream man giving them the ice cream. They pulled down their masks to eat the ice cream when Jeongguk dropped the money on the floor. 

He bent down to get it when his bucket cap and sunglasses fell off. Revealing his whole face. His wet hair and damp body made it very clear who he was. And everybody was freaking out. 

Everybody ran to him and Ji Eun. He swiftly grabbed her wrist and ran towards the exit, but got cut off by even more fans running towards him from the outside. He turned back and went into the dressing room area, but got cut off again. 

He had no other choice now. They had to jump the fence. They ran towards it and Jeongguk jumped up pulling Ji Eun up with him. Even though Ji Eun dropped the bag by the ice cream stand ,she held tight onto her cherry vanilla ice cream instead .

Sure they were being chased, but ice cream is ice cream dude. 

After they ran away from the property onto the sidewalk of a main road in the city, they were still being chased. They ran towards a church finally losing a wide portion of them. They opened the doors and hid in the confessional. 

The confessional was small forcing them to hide in there while a few remaining fans looked around the church for them. When they finally left after a while, Jeongguk and Ji Eun stared at each other. Their bodies were close together, and Ji Eun's ice cream was close to finishing as she ate it along the way.  

Their eyes were locked onto each other ,and Ji Eun's breast were toppling Jeongguk. Even though he didn't care ,he still noticed. He blushed and Ji Eun moved back embarrassed making her trip on the bench. Jeongguk caught her before she fell and they got even closer together. 

After a little more eye sex ,Ji Eun slowly brought up her spoon and ate the ice cream off of it.  She slowly chewed and Jeongguk smirked moving back. 

Until the priest on the other side made the moment even more memorable. "So are you going to kiss her or what." He asked with his palm in his hand leaning on the small counter. 

Jeongguk smirked again and Ji Eun chuckled. He slowly leaned in and kissed the remaining ice cream off of her lips. It was sweet.

 Author's Note 


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