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Jeongguk watched as Ji Yong got in his car ,and drove away. He watched as he left and he enjoyed every secomd of it.

He looked back and saw Ji Eun struggling to pick herself up ,he immediately went to her and picked her up in his arms. He felt her soft skin ,and looked at her face, winded and dizzy. He opened her door and slowly walked towards her sofa. He lightly placed her down and sat ,picking up her head laying her on his lap.

He took the hair away from her face and trailed his fingers down forehead to her cheeks . She coughed and he winced. She was tired and reacted more than unusual from Ji Yong shaking her heavily back and forth.

Ji Eun finally fell asleep ,and Jeongguk stayed there with her. He looked at her stomach and placed his hand on her. He felt her and smiled at the thought about a future with Ji Eun.

Suddenly a bang on the door interrupted Jeongguk, he immediately looked at the door and saw through the blurry stained glass exactly who it was .It was In Ho. He banged even louder ,Ji Eun buried her head even more further into Jeongguk's lap, and he covered her ears so she wouldn't hear.

"JI EUNNNN ARE YOU IN HERE?" He banged on the door again .

Finally he stopped ,and he opened the key pad pressing the numbers to unlock the door. The door beeped and he opened it ,revealing Jeongguk and Ji Eun together .He was furious.

"What are you doing here." His tone of voice was obviously angered from the sight. He stared blankly at Jeongguk and trailed down to Ji Eun.

He looked at Jeongguk's hand still on Ji Eun's stomach ,now he was even more furious. The aura in the room was uncomfortable and all the while Ji Eun was sound asleep on Jeongguk's lap.

In Ho took a step forward and Jeongguk raised his hand,making him stop there.

"Stop ,go home. We both know she wants me here.So I'm going to stay here."

In Ho's jaw slightly dropped and he titled his head.

"What?" He raised his eyebrow and and walked closer.

Jeongguk sighed and he got a pillow and placed it under Ji Eun getting himself up. He crossed his arms and stared as In Ho was walking towards him.

"Don't start something you cant finish. Ji Eun and I have decided to stay together. Leave."

In Ho's face went closer towards him and he scrunched his nose.

"Who said I couldn't finish it?" He moved back and walked towards Ji Eun. But Jeongguk grabbed his arm and pulled him back.

"I did." He pushed him back and made him fall to the ground.


He stared at him and silence filled the air. Ji Eun groaned and almost fell off the couch ,but Jeongguk immediately caught her and carried her up.

"You know what ,I'll leave. With Ji Eun-" In Ho picked himself up.

"and my child."

Jeongguk walked past him and walked out the door. Leaving In Ho speechless,  he didn't even go after him.


IM SORRY I HAVENT BEEN WRITING. IM HAVING HUGE WIRTERS BLOCK AND IVE BEEN SO BUSY I DONT EVEN HAVE TIME TO GO ON WATTPAD. This is a short chapter before i start something new in the book. Please forgive meeeeee thank you bue.

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