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"What?" asked Jeongguk. He was confused. He couldn't quite hear what she said.

Ji Eun picked her head up revealing her drenched red eyes.

She sniffled and wiped her nose. "Nothing." She said. She got up. And bowed all the way down.

"I'm sorry." She got back up and started to walk away.

Jeongguk immediately got up as well and moved the blanket off of him. He ran towards her and pulled her arm back and grabbed her hand. They were facing each other.

"NO." He yelled. He held on  to her hand. Squeezing it and feeling her touch once more. He liked it.

"You're not leaving again until I get all the answers I need."

Ji Euns grip on his hand wasnt tight. But she felt his warmth and the blood on his knuckles.

Jeongguk flinched as he held her hand. Memories came back to him. He pulled her onto his body and grabbed her face. And let go.

Their chests were together and Ji Eun was scared. Scared she was going to fall for him again.

Jeongguk got lost in the moment and stared at her closely. Their breaths were close together again ,and they stared at each others lips. Jeongguk leaned in until Ji Eun turned the other way. She pulled away but Jeongguk kept her tight.

"No." He muttered. He clasped his hands with hers and clasped the other.

"How long has it been. Since we were this close." He asked not removing his eyes from her pinkish lips.

"792 days." She replied.

He leaned in his head and placed it on hers .In the weird position they were in, the sky fell ,and the stars woke up. It was beautiful.

Ji Eun pulled away as hard as she could and finally removed herself. She put her hand on her head and brushed her hair with her hand. She got too lost in the moment.

"Sorry." She said .

She turned around and walked away.

"I missed you."He yelled. Jeongguk stared at her back waiting for a reply. Ji Eun stopped.

She turned her head around and looked at him.

"Oh." She said.

She turned back around and began walking.

Jeongguk began to run to her again. Once he got up to her he wrapped his arms around her body. Embracing her back and resting his head on her shoulder.

"My children. I want to see them again."

Ji Eun removed him off of her and turned to face him.

"Not now.Its not the right time. Go back to Seoul."

She walked forward again ,and so did he. He ran to her and grabbed her hand.

"No. Not without you."

She slapped his hand away and grunted in frustration.

"I belong to another man."

Jeongguk swallowed and gave her a monotone look. "And?" He replied .

"Leave me alone. We're no more. Our children are the only relationship we have ,and that's how its always going to be. Go live your life ,go find a wife ,go tour. But not with me."

Jeongguk laughed and pointed to his lip.

"This is what happens when you pursue your love .You get beat. Down to the ground for what you want. Nothing comes easy. Nothing comes for free. Because other people will want it. As I want you."

"Well I guess you have to find something else." she replied.

Jeongguk began to laugh again and began to walk behind her as she did.

Ji Eun walked towards her house and so did he, right behind her.

"You." he said and stopped walking.

"I know where ive seen you before.You saved me Ji Eun, didnt you?"

Ji Eun stopped and turned to look at him.

"No, you must be mistaken."

"Yeah ,you did I remember your face. Thank you."

Ji Eun stopped talking but she began again. "Youre wrong."

"No I'm not. I remember you while you took me out of the water. For the few seconds ,youre face was what I saw. I got scratched by a rock I guess .Its kind of open."

He picked up his pants and revealed an opened wound bleeding like crazy on his lower leg.

Ji Eun gasped. "Why didnt you say anything." She ran to him and got on her knees looking at his wound.

"Because I wanted to be with you again. Its nothing compared to you." He said. Calmly and softly as he said those words Ji Euns heart fluttered.

"Crazy Bastard." She made an ugly face and got up .She wrapped her arm around his body and brought his arm up to her neck .

"I cant let you walk so easily. You'll make it bleed more." She sighed and began to walk with him.

"You're still the same. Caring. But selfish at times." He chuckled.

Ji Eun made a straight face and kept walking.

"Why are you still speaking to me. The way you used to. Lovingly,kindly ." she asked.

"Because I love you. And I cant hate you .Never. "

Ji Eun stopped ,making Jeongguk stop as well. She still looked forward.

"But I left you. I left you ,caused you to suffer ,and never let you see your own children. And you still have love for me."

"But you thought of me. I missed you. And you couldnt bare to see me again."

Ji Eun turned her head to him finally ,shocked at what he said. He was too kind for his own good. She knew that. But how could he be so selfless and loving.

She turned forward and began to walk.

I Don't Like Him (IUxJungkook)Where stories live. Discover now