Time for a Fresh game

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"Bruh, just move your piece! You can't expect all of to do it and not do it yourself unradical broseph,"Fresh yelled as Ink started curling into a ball. Fresh then pushed Ink and finished Ink's turn. Therefore starting his own. He went and pulled his sunglasses back up. The obnoxious YOLO word still on the shades. Seriously funking change already, great he is censoring me now. Funk off you funking parasite I have a story to write! Anyways his nonchangable mood was not the only thing he should be worrying about. What would happen if he got on red? Who knows I mean nobody can see what he does he makes sure of that.

"Okay brosephs give me the dice," Fresh said clearly somehow confident in his luck. Otherwise he probably would have been like Error and just try leaving. Nobody can escape the game after it starts though. Fresh rolled the dice after doing some thing to it. Maybe he put gum on it who knows. Either way that really boosted his confidence so much that Ink dragged him away before he made a bet with Nightmare about it. Fresh rolled the dice and hit the red space. He was freaking out yelling in his 'fresh' lingo that it should have worked. He got a card and rolled the dice moved his piece then read the card. He wanted to break every bone in Ink for what it said. It said,"Did you really think cheating would let you get away? I see every move that you make every action you take. I don't tolerate cheaters. I was going to be nice and try to give you a reward for the good you have done but now I can't. Cheaters never win. Every single move your piece takes for some time will get rid of what is special about you. Enjoy"

(Thanks to the elephant photo guy still forgot your name. Thanks for the suggestion of what to do with Ink and Fresh)

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