Blueberry and Stretch

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"Ink so help me," Stretch almost yelled at Ink before his attention was put to the Blueberry who was tugging his sweater. "No don't kill him he just needs a second chance," Blueberry droned. "Ya, Ya listen to Blueberry I didn't want or know about any of this honest,"Ink huffed out sweat still beading of him. Before anything new could happen everybody except Ink was kicked out of the AU. Everybody was dazed and just ran towards their AUs apart from Dream and Nightmare nobody wants to negative auras. Nobody even wants one negative aura so they just waited outside the entrance to Ink's AU one cussing the other crying.

When Blueberry and Stretch got to there AU Swap Alphys wanted to spar with Blueberry to see if he improved. Stretch before Blueberry could even answer just picked him up and ran towards home. "YOU CAN'T KEEP BABYING HIM YOU KNOW! HE HAS POTENTIAL THAT YOUR SQUASHING," Swap Alphys yelled of in the distance. Stretch then just went home and went to bed.

When he woke up he heard something that he never thought he'd here in a pacifist run complete silence in his home. He looked into Blueberry's room and saw why. Blueberry was snug in his bed sleeping. "When I get my hands on Ink I will," Stretch mumbled under is breath as he was watching the peaceful Blueberry. Stretch went into Blueberry room trying to be as quiet as possible until he saw what time it was. It was 7:49 AM. Then he just ran to Blueberry and started shaking him. He usually wakes up at exactly 3 or 4 AM. He knows 'cause Blueberry would always call him a lazybones and use that as an example. When Blueberry did wake up that morning he said,"Ugh, What was that for I did nothing wrong!" "You were sleeping way more than usual I thought the worst," Stretch said as Blueberry turned a cold gaze to him. "Why what time is it," Blueberry said half asleep and annoyed. "7:59 AM," Stretch said the cold gaze really getting to him. That made Blueberry just jump into hyper speed mode. Next thing Stretch saw was a prepared Blueberry. Then Blueberry just went back into Ink's AU. "No, don't go it's not safe at all," was the last thing he heard before he left.

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