Play the Game Dream

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Dream started laughing as Red started to flake pieces of his bone off. Causing Red to try and choke him. Dream started stabbing him with his tentacles before Blueberry still broke up the fight(because it interrupted his nap). He then reminded Dream it was his turn. When Dream found out he clearly stiffened. Walking to the board Dream was saying almost every swear word in the book. He rolled the dice getting a 9. He didn't get a red. So, let out a sigh of relief.

Right afterwards Dream went and attacked Red and started another brawl. Fresh then started to stop Dream because 'my ship must sail' or something like that. Ink just backed away from the fight. Blueberry was napping under the couch. Then Ink found Dream didn't play properly again. "Dream explain why you were either cheating or not even doing the correct board," Ink yelled jostling Blueberry from his nap.

Dream suddenly got out of the fight and started running to Ink's backdoor. When he tried exiting though he hit an invisible wall. Cussing Dream walked back to the group. Ink then pushed Dream towards the game sternly saying," Now play properly!" Dream then took the dice and rolled getting a 10 still not getting a red. He just got extremely Nightmare-like in appearance. That satisfied Ink, and so he went straight back to fighting Red.

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