Dreamy gets a Hallucin

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Dream picked up Red's card with the signature of D.P.G with a confused look. He then answered the obvious of the initials. That caused Red to try and choke him, that then led to Dream starting to yank on the collar. It turned into absolute chaos for a couple minutes. Trying to stop the fighting Blueberry yanked Dream in a way to have him fall. Dream then started to attack both Red and Blueberry. It got so bad that the game started getting annoyed. A shadowy hand got out of the game and smashed Red to just bone shards.

Everybody in the room just stopped everything for a bit. It seemed as though Red has been killed. After a beat or two, Dream hesitantly got up to the game. He rolled the dice and soon he got what he would call a favorable roll. Right as he grabbed his piece the numbers on the dice changed to a 28 on one and on the other 'Play the Game Right'. Dream felt himself suddenly stop breathing. Now it would be expected for him to be alright since he's a skeleton and all that, but he needs to release some magic as to not go insane or possibly taint the apple.(That's my headcanon anyways sorry for that.) That would make almost anyone panic right.

He quickly moved his piece getting the piece on a red space. As soon as he did his breath came back. He then took his card and rolled again. Getting a 9 he quickly went there. He almost got a red. It seemed as though the game was trying to taunt him with might have happened. Everything went downhill from there. He started screaming as he felt something  break in him. He took it out on Fresh. The card tossed away. Ink took the card and read it. It said," Everybody is getting less and less fun to play with. I'll fix that. First with the thing of nightmares, then the glitchy mess, next cheerful Blueberry, now Red and a breaking Dream. The game is finally starting to get fun. Tear each other apart. I love to have such fun entertainment. There is a reason most never want to play with the hands of fate. I change a word and it seems fun. Dice of Fate what a name! You all are fun to tamper with. I want some more fun though. I'll bring chaos to your minds. No one of you should cheat or take me lightly. Enjoy"

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