Cuddling with Baekhyun (Wolf!AU)

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Do not copy without permission or use in any way, this is my work. Xo, Ara~


Everything seemed to have stopped; movement didn't seem possible, time was immeasurable. You could only be, be in that room staring deeply into those blue eyes that were staring back.

You didn't dare to say his name, you didn't dare to even breathe. You didn't even let your heart have the luxury of beating faster. What was he doing there? Why was he in your room in the middle of the night, a full moon night?

It didn't make sense, specially since you knew he had no recollection of his human memories in his wolf form. He could recognise his pack, other werewolves he could have met, but not humans. In his wolf form, you were a stranger. So why was he in your room? Had he perceived your scent on his body and followed the track until he found your room? But why? Why would he track you down when he could be doing some werewolf stuff with his pack? Whatever that was.

You sat still, waiting for him to do something, probably waiting for him to growl at you or even attack you. But he didn't, he just laid near your bed's edge and closed his eyes.

"B-Baekhyun?" You tried to swallow your fear, you knew that if he smelled it, it could be dangerous. "A-Are you hurt?"
You didn't know if he could actually understand you but you saw his ears perk up. Maybe he caught his name or something.

"Do you want... to come closer?" For a moment you weren't sure if he had heard you or not, as he stayed in the same position but facing you. He seemed to be thinking his options and just when you were about to give up, you felt his heavy body sinking on the mattress as he crawled towards you.

"So you do understand" You whispered as you laid back, letting him rest his head on your stomach. You looked up to your window and stared at the full moon that observed you from the starry sky.

"What brought you here hm?" You started to caress him, feeling his soft fur between your fingers. "I'm not going to lie, I like you being here. Human or wolf"
You giggled as he let out a snort.

"Well Byun Baekhyun The Wolf. Let's enjoy the little time we have left before you turn back. Careful you inclined your body up a little and kissed his head, between his ears and smiled. Just when your head touched your pillow again, you felt how he started to lick your hand gently. You only watched, it was a beautiful scene. How such a big and intimidating wolf laid on your bed and licked your hand with such delicacy. You could swear the only difference between the Baekhyun you saw the day before and the one who was now laying on your bed, was the fur.
"I love you too Baekhyun..."


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