A New Moon [Part 2]

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genre: Chanyeol Wolf!AU
type: drabble/scenario
characters: Chanyeol, EXO, reader
Do not copy without permission or use in any way, this is my work. Some lovely anon requested for the second part of //. I hope you guys like it. Love, Ara~

The sun was about to come out, the birds were starting to sing. But there was some stillness in the woods that time didn't seem to have passed.
Not a soul could be heard, earth seemed to have stopped breathing. The wolves were hunting and no one dared to get in their way.

They had almost lost hope, not even their noses could pick up her scent, his scent. But they hadn't stopped tracking her down, even if the woods seemed to hide her from them as well.

There she is. Kyungsoo thought. In her human form.

The silence was so vast that the cracking bones of Kyungsoo's transformation could be heard. He carefully approached you and knelt beside you.
"I'm going to take you home" He whispered. "With him". He gently grabbed you and pulled you into his arms and stopped for a moment to breathe before his other friend arrived.
"Try to be gentle Jongin" He said in a serious tone. Jongin only chuckled.
"It's the fastest way" He approached you both and barely touched Kyungsoo's arm before disappearing with you into the darkness.

Immediately after Jongin and Kyungsoo arrived with you to the camp, Yixing came running out of Chanyeol's tent.
"How's she?" He asked to both boys.
"Alive" Kyungsoo replied ad he carried you to Chanyeol's tent as Yixing instructed with his hands. "But barely breathing"
"How's Chanyeol?" Jongin asked.
"Hallucinating. You came just in time."
Kyungsoo placed you next to Chanyeol and moved to one side, letting Yixing do his job although there was not much to be done. Life or death, depended only on your and Chanyeol's bond.
"So what now?" Jongin asked. Yixing gave a long sight.
"Now we wait"

He was running, running very fast through the woods. He couldn't see where he was heading to, but he kept running. It was like something was calling him and he had to follow that invisible tug. But he didn't know where he was, he didn't know why he was running.
He ignored the voice and kept running.
But the more he kept ignoring it, the more his body seemed to decay. But he wanted to run, he wanted to reach the end of the road. It didn't matter that his whole body was covered in wounds, he wanted to run.


That one last call made him stop. He stood there, in the middle of nowhere trying to catch a breath while wondered where that voice came from. He couldn't feel the pain anymore, only his eyes let him know how badly he was bleeding.

Look at the moon.

The voice said again. Your voice said.
"Who are you? Where are you?" He said to no one. Suddenly he started to feel weak, his legs started to tremble, making him fall into the ground. It was then when he realised his wounds weren't healing, his wolf senses weren't responding. So he laid there, in the cold, waiting for the end and looking at the moon. But there was no moon, it was a new moon, and yet he could still feel it.
"So this is it..." He raised his left hand, as if he could touch the sky and it was then when he realised there was something on his palm.
A full moon tattoo, made by an ancient ink that bounds souls.
Come back to me. He heard your voice again, that seem to come from the tattoo.
"Y/N..." He gasped. "They did it... they found you" He felt someone touch his hand even though he was alone. But the magic that bound you two, could be felt anywhere. No matter how far away you two were. It was that magic that kept you both alive, that magic that connected you in ways no human could comprehend.

Wake up and see it, the bond we have created.

He closed his eyes and smiled. Tears rolled down his cheeks his wounds slowly started to disappear with those enchanted woods.
And he heard it, the wind hitting his tent, the leaves falling from the trees, his pack waiting outside and your heart beating by his side.
"Mate... I'm home"

 I'm home"

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EXO Wolf/Power/Vamp AU One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now