Floral (Chanyeol)

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genre: Chanyeol wolf!AU
type: drabble/scenario
characters: Chanyeol, reader
Do not copy without permission or use in any way, this is my work. Xoxo, Ara~

There was a certain something about him that seemed wild, free. It was hard to point out what, to even put it into words, but something about him was different from the other guys.

"How do you even know this place?" You asked the boy who laid next to you. Chanyeol had one arm under his head, and the other surrounding your waist. "It's my favourite spot in the woods." He closed his eyes as a fresh breeze stroked your skin, bringing a delicious floral aroma with it. "I found it in my first hunt. I got lost and didn't know where to go." He looked so peaceful, so calm.

You snuggled next to him, catching some of his wild fragrance as you did. You weren't sure if it was really him or the nature surrounding you, but it smelled delicious. "It was the flowers that lured me in. Their scent, I mean". This time, Chanyeol had his eyes opened, his full attention on your blushing cheeks. "It's the only place where I can truly be myself. I promised myself that I would bring here the one." Your face became even redder by the mention of those words, you didn't know Chanyeol felt like that for you.

"Channie I-" but he interrupted you with a soft kiss on the lips. His lips pressed against yours for a few moments and after breaking apart his touch still lingered on your lips. "I want to share something with you before you say those words". Suddenly, the boy looked sad; he even looked scared. You couldn't help it but feel a special pressure on your chest. His sudden mood swing got you worried. "What is it?" You managed to say, gulping after the last word. "It's about my nature, about who I really am".

He sat back up and you followed. Your eyes couldn't look anywhere else than his eyes. It's like they were hypnotizing you, luring you to some kind of unknown world. You were so deep into them that you almost missed how they changed. How they looked like the eyes of an animal, a wolf to be precise.

"The truth is I'm a-" But this time it was you the one who interrupted him, it was you the one who kissed his lips. "A werewolf" you whispered not sure where that came from. It was like you had always known but now putting it into words, it made perfect sense. You had fallen in love with a werewolf and even if he hadn't shared his secret from the beginning, you still had fallen not only for his human part but also that wildness in him that couldn't have been described before. "Channie I love you. Human and wolf, I love both of you. Because you are one and you are mine".

EXO Wolf/Power/Vamp AU One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now