A melody, a whisper

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genre: Kai Wolf!AU
type: drabble/scenario
characters: Jongin, reader
Sorry for taking so long in writing this!! Xoxo, Ara~
Do not copy without permission or use in any way, this is my work.


It was the most beautiful sound he had ever heard, the most beautiful voice. It was like a dream, but he was more than awake. It wasn't the full moon what didn't let him close his eyes, it was that voice, that voice that seemed to come with the wind. Not even the moon's calling had sounded so beautifully in his ears.

"Who are you?" Jongin said in the darkness, not expecting an answer. "Where are you?" He was in his human form, despite the full moon. He wanted to appreciate the melody with his human ears, with a human mind and heart. But the more he tried to figure out where it came from, the less he could hear it, her.
"How do I find you?" Jongin imagined a beautiful woman in front of him; he talked to her. But he never got a response, just a whisper, a voice breaking, a song of pain. It was a piercing sound and yet so beautiful.

Save me.


He fell asleep after those two words, his eyelids felt so heavy he couldn't help it. He couldn't go outside and track the voice down, he couldn't follow the salty trait the voice left in him. But he dreamt of it.

He could hear the cracking of the leaves he stepped on as he walked, no, as he ran. He was running at his maximum speed, probably faster. He could feel the wind hitting his face, but it wasn't cold. He had the fur all over his body that protected him from the lowest temperatures. But more importantly, he had a salty taste in his mouth, like the ocean.

Save me

He could still hear those word in his head, the words that seemed to be guiding him to wherever that voice came from. "I'm coming," He thought, knowing she couldn't hear him. "Hang in there, please".

He couldn't tell for how long he ran, it probably took him the whole night, the whole dream. But he finally reached what seemed to be the ocean. That salty taste wasn't in his mouth anymore, it was in the warm wind that now hit his face.
It was still dark, the moon still had a few hours before the sunrise.

He closed his eyes for a second, trying to concentrate, see if he could hear anything. It took him a while but with the help of the moon, he heard her sobs. He carefully walked to an abandoned cabin that was exactly where the woods ended and the beach started. Something about the whole place seemed off, but it wasn't the time to hesitate, someone was waiting there for him.

He sniffed a couple of times, checking if someone was around. He sensed no one, but the creature that seemed to be waiting for him in the cabin. It wasn't the ocean what filled the air with that salty aroma, it was her. Jongin transformed back to his human form, thinking the wolf might frighten the poor creature who seemed to be in a lot of pain already. As he did, he opened the door carefully but cursed at his human eyes as he could see nothing. "Is someone..." his voice cracked the moment the moonlight hit the creature. It wasn't enough for him to see clearly but he could see the scales of her tail, as the half human half fish lady seemed to be struggling with the little water her captors had left her.

Jongin couldn't stop staring at her, at her beautiful turquoise tail that seemed more real than the ocean waves. He couldn't stop listening to that beautiful but sad melody she was singing. Couldn't stop counting the tears that rolled down her cheeks. He tried to approach her, break the chains that held the mermaid captive. But as he tried to reach her, he remembered he was dreaming.

It became impossible for him to touch her. She wasn't even aware he was in the same cabin as her. At least not until he transformed back again into a wolf, trying once again to touch those chains. Her song suddenly died, with her all the sounds of the environment. Jongin lifted his head, looking at her. For a couple of moments, he thought she was only looking at the darkness that covered him. But her tears had stopped too. Jongin started to perceive another sound, coming from her. Her heartbeat. He met her eyes one more time, thinking only he could see her. But she opened her mouth, a sound barely coming out.

Save me.


The werewolf woke up at that moment, agitated as if he had been living a nightmare. He couldn't breathe, the walls of his room seemed to be crushing him, the moon outside seemed to be judging. And a mermaid out there seemed to be waiting for him to save her. And he was about to transform and go until he had to drop what his hands seemed to have been holding the whole time from the moment he woke up.


He had been holding chains. 

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