Terrifyingly Beautiful (Kris)

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genre: Kris Wolf/Witch!AU
type: drabble/scenario
characters: Kris, reader
Do not copy without permission or use in any way, this is my work. This was requested by the lovely Sylph. Xoxo, Ara~

It was freezing, it colder than it normally did. Winters were cold in those woods but not as cold as they were that night. Even the wind seemed to have frozen, not even the stars shone as they usually did.
A night without stars.
There was a wolf that walked around the woods, trying to find some prey to hunt, to eat. But with this cold, he felt like the prey, felt like he was being the one hunted. The woods were unrecognizable as if he had run too fast and too far, reaching another place. It was like he didn't know where he was, although those trees were the same that had seen him grow and turn.
A soundless night.
The wolf couldn't pick up any sound, not even a rabbit shaking from the cold. He could sense nothing as if he were alone in those woods.

But he wasn't, he knew he wasn't. Something inside him told him he wasn't alone, something inside him felt like a pull, a bond he didn't know existed inside of him.

He walked around, trying to find the source of the sudden weather change, trying to find who kept all the creatures hidden. Even the cruelest ones seemed to have gone into hiding, ignoring the fact that it was a blood moon. Most of those creatures tend to go out during those moons, the come from the darkest places just to hunt some lonely soul that wanders lost in the woods. But as he reached the lake he understood why they weren't out tonight, why he was the only one who seemed to have not frozen.

No one was around, no one was there to witness it. Witness the ignition of a flame, a flame the creature had started inside of Kris. It was his flame what made the creature open her eyes, those deep dark eyes that could kill with one glance. He stopped by the shore and immediately transformed back into his human form, showing his face to the girl that stood in the middle of the lake, on the water. "Who are you?" Kris asked her but got no answered. She seemed frozen but Kris had seen her open her eyes as he arrived. She was the most wicked creature he had ever seen and yet the most beautiful. She was the kind of creature that made you want to run away but also stay. So captivating, cold but captivating.

A witch. A wicked witch.

She seemed to be floating and her body indeed seemed it be frozen. Maybe she has a curse, Kris thought as he contemplated the situation, knowing the moment he stepped on the frozen water, it would break. As he looked around for a way to get close to her, the witch smiled. Her perfect red lips formed a beautiful shape as she smiled. It was terrifyingly beautiful.

"Leave" she spoke to Kris. Kris turned to face her, realizing her lips hadn't moved an inch. "Leave or face the consequences," That wicked smiled was supposed to scare him away, but he didn't run. He felt that pull again, something that pulled him towards her in a way he couldn't explain. But the longer he stayed the angrier her eyes seemed, she was a very dark creature indeed. But Kris knew she was just lonely, broken. Just like I am.

"Leave," She warned one last time but Kris ignored that icy cold voice that seemed to spoke in his head. As long as he felt that tug, he wouldn't leave. Wouldn't leave her there all sad and broken. He transformed into a wolf again, knowing he would be faster in that form if the ice broke. He stepped in the lake and walked towards the witch that seemed to be colder than ice and darker than the night. "I've been looking for my mate my whole life," the wolf thought, knowing the witch was listening. "I promised myself the moment I found her I wouldn't run away, I would fight for her. I promised even if she happened to be a wicked witch and could kill me in one blow".

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