Catching Red [Kai]

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This was requested by what-muses
genre: Kai Wolf!AU

type: drabble/scenario
characters: KJongin, reader/Isabel
Thank you, Isabel, for requesting! I hope you like this one! :D Love you, Ara~
Do not re-post without permission or use in any way, this is my work.


The color red. That was what caught his attention. The red moving. That was what made him stop his hunt, what had separated him from his pack. He has deep into the forest, so how had he seen the red hood? To humans, it would have been impossible, but he was a wolf. A werewolf. He ran as fast as he could to catch it, but the woods were no longer there. He stopped before the edge of the woods, stopped before the streetlights illuminated his body before anyone could see him. Red. She was wearing red. He hid behind some bushes watching the girl walk on the pavement of the lonely road she followed.

He followed her for hours, walking by her side a few feet away. Followed her in the shadows, trying to not make any sounds. But sometimes, she would look her way, maybe she had heard or seen him, or maybe she was only being cautious. The more they walked, the more they got into the woods. The wolf knew there was a road no one used that crossed the woods; everyone avoided it due to the wolves, even though they never attacked humans. But it was still dangerous, werewolves weren't the only creatures in those woods, and not all of them were as nice as him. The girl stopped before she reached the last streetlight what was lighted, before stepping into the shadows that haunted those woods. He knew he had to do something, he had to stop her from continuing, or she would never see that red hood again.

"You shouldn't be walking around here" He stood in front of her in his human wolf. "Especially not alone" The girl didn't look surprised to see him, didn't scream or run back from where she came from. "I wasn't alone, you were walking with me the whole time" He was taken by surprise, he had been really cautious. "How did you know?" The girl simply smiled. "You smell like blood. Were you hunting?" Of course, he had been hunting, it was a full moon. "I thought humans weren't allowed to hunt here" So she hadn't figured it out. She didn't see him transformed. "You should head back girl, there's nothing here for you" She nodded but didn't move. "I'll go with you then, do you mind lending me your hood?" The girl didn't ask but took it off and threw it into the darkness ahead of her. He caught it immediately and covered his back with it. It was a sign, to the wolves near him that he had found a human in danger. He perceived the girl's scent on it, the impregnation of the flowers from her perfume. His wolf senses didn't seem to vanish even with the transformation.

The girl started walking back and the wolf followed her a few steps behind. He tried really hard to not shorten the distance between them; her scent grew stronger on him and somehow it was alluring him to her body. "Why did you walk in this direction?" The wolf asked. She stopped for a moment at looked at him for the first time. "I thought I saw a wolf running, I wanted to see it" He tried really hard to not laugh. The town knew wolves should be left alone, they had been warned about the nature of the creatures that lived there. "You have a death wish?" He looked into her eyes, trying to find some sign of fear or sadness, but nothing. He only saw the reflection of his own eyes. "I have always felt attracted to them, that's all" He sighed and finally caught up, walking on her side. "Don't do it again, please" It felt like he was almost begging, why? He didn't know. But he didn't want to see her in danger. They were reaching the end of the road, where it connected to the main road that led to the town. "Thank you for walking me" She blinked a couple of times and the wolf just smiled knowing she was trying to get his name. "Call me Jongin. Now, go back. I'll watch you from here" The girl looked at him confused, as Jongin handed her red hood she had previously lend to him. "I can't go with you. I have to stay here" She hugged the hood and seemed to sniff on it as if she was trying to perceive some special scent on it. He smirked. "I think you know why"At that moment the streetlight above Jongin went off giving him the perfect opportunity to transform and go back to the forest. "My name is Isabel by the way..." But Jongin was no longer there. "But I guess that doesn't matter anymore" She sighed and simply walked back, wondering if she would see him again, the wolf. But he had heard her, heard her name. And he had remembered it, even after transforming back. He went back home, with her scent under his nose. So he growled, growled loud enough for her to hear. To hear he'd be coming back, for her.

 To hear he'd be coming back, for her

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