Chapter Two

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Chapter Two - Are we going crazy?

Aces P.O.V

I lay there thinking about what Emma an I were talking about before we went to sleep.

-A few minutes before-

"Ace, are you still awake?" I heard Emma's frightend whisper fill the silence "yeah i am, something wrong?" I replied sitting up "I've been thinking about.... well you know the voices" she said her voice giving away the fear she was feeling "yeah me too. they can't hurt us tho so everythings gonna be okay" i say trying to convince myself as well as Emma "Ace?" I heard her whisper through the darkness "Yeah?" i reply "do you remeber our song we made when we were kids?" she asked her voice sounding hopeful "of cause, the one we used to sing to make our selfs feel better?" i ask startin to smile at the thought "yeah could you sing it to me? i'm kinda sceard to fall asleep" Emma whispered "sure" i said and i started to sing softly "Shhh small child do not cry, the birds have gone to sleep and the moon shines brightly. its time to go to sleep... its time to go to sleep" I sang as i i heard Emma's breathing grow soft and calm "Night Emma" i whisper as i lay down an stare at the roof.


"They Don't need you....

They Don't wantyou....

They Don't love you...."

was all that i could think about "why would we be hearing voices saying the same thin over and over again?" I think to myself but i still couldn't find the answere

"They Don't need you....

They Don't want you....

They don't Love you....

Kill them! Kill them!"

My eyes shot open and i sat bolt up in bed the minute the voices started yelling in my head to kill everyone. I felt a tear slide down my face and new i would have to tell our mum about the voices going through our heads. Emma woke up screaming and crying, and i ran over to her "whatd wring Emma!?" i asked pulling her towards my body and holding her close "I-I... the voices were telling me to kill our family!" She cried. She put her head on my shoulder and started crying, after what seemed like 5 minutes i felt my shoulder grow wet and relized that it was because of Emma's tears. "A-Are w-we going crazy?" she asked through wimpers "no we're not it was just a dream Emma" i say sothingly patting the back of her head "it'll be gone in the morning" i say more to myself than to her.

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