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       ".....Pink...? Is it really you...?" Blue diamonds eyes filled with tears, the blue aura expanding and making many others cry along with her.

    "Th-this can't be, they must be playing with our heads. Pink would never... yOU ARE A DIAMOND! HOW COULD YOU DO THIS?!"  Yellow Diamond shouted, quickly standing up  and pacing the beach, trying to calm her anxiety and anger to prevent another burst.

  "Yes, I am pink diamond.! Or at least... I have her gem..." Steven said nervously, avoiding the Diamond's questioning gaze.

"You..." Yellow Diamond quickly approached Steven, looking down on him.  "You're a human... Have you attached that diamond to your body or maybe...." Yellow said in confusion, trying to find any logical explanation that could make sense to her.

"Pink diamond fell in love with a human. From their love.... Steven was... Born." Pearl spoke, looking up at the pair of diamonds above her.

"You... Aren't you the pearl that was supposed to serve Pink!?" Yellow's expression quickly changed from confusion to clear anger towards Pearl, her outburst making Pearl flinch.

"And I did..." Pearl regained her composure, standing taller.                        "I did until her very last day on earth. And even in this new form, I will continue to protect her." She said proudly,  Steven clenching his jaw as Pearl spoke of him.

"Pink.... Can you hear me... It's me... Blue..." She said gently tapping Steven's gem, her voice sad and low, casting a hopeful yet depressing gaze towards Steven's stomach.

"There must be something we can do to take her out of that horrible form." Yellow wondered out loud,
"We could maybe de-attach her diamond from him." She stared down at Steven, making him sweat, gulp and quickly cover his stomach.

"You will not lay a single finger on him!" Garnet quickly reacted, stepping in and pushing Blue's hand away from Steven.

"What would even happen if they did take Steven's gem out?" Connie whispered, Greg shrugging nervously in response.

"We do not know and we never will" Pearl spoke in a serious and firm tone.

"A pearl should only speak when spoken to" Yellow said firmly, glaring at Pearl rebellious behavior.

"I will speak when I please, I am my own gem." Pearl growled, quickly pulling her spear out of her gem as a threat, stepping closer to the diamond.

"Pearl, Yellow, please calm down!" Steven intervened, becoming more nervous and agitated.

"S-Steven...?" Pearl looked at him confused, with a small twink of betrayal in her eyes.

"If I were to take my gem out.... It will be my decision..." Steven looked at Yellow diamond, clenching his jaw at the thought of it. Yellow diamond only stared down at him, her stoic expression never changing.

"Pink... I mean... Ste...ven..." She spoke softly, the words feeling off as they escaped her lips, "Would you come with us... Back to home world..?"
She extended her hand out slowly for Steven to climb on.

"I- I don't know..." He said looking at Blue's hand. "Do you still want to destroy earth...?"

Yellow and Blue exchanged a quick glance. Yellow clenched her jaw in attempt to contain herself and Blue's face showed clear determination.


"Even if Pink agreed, how would we return? Our ships were completely destroyed by these rebel gems! Even the cluster has joined their useless cause!" Yellow exclaimed with annoyance, turning to look at the disaster that once was her ship.

"Yellow... Don't you understand... We've been giving another chance... Pink is here with us... Even in this... Strange form... We should rejoice, not complain" Blue looked down at Steven with fondness, once again offering her hand, Steven climbing in it hesitantly.

"I'm sorry, Blue... I may have my mother's gem but... I don't remember anything about you... Or the time we may have spent together..." Steven said with a sad tone in his voice, looking up at her.

     Blue Diamond sighed, raising her other hand to gently caress Steven's cheek.  "Oh Pink... I know that deep... Down there... You're still there..."
Blues tears began to roll down her cheeks, Steven clearly uncomfortable as large tears rolled down his cheeks.
"We have time to make you remember... We will be staying here on earth until our ships are repared."

Suddenly, the mood turned tense.

"O-only if you promise not to shatter any of us..." Steven smiled nervously at Blue, earning a small chuckle from her.

"We promise, right Yellow?" She turned to look at her with a smile.

"...." She stared at the rebel gems that she had been fighting with not so long ago, her face showing hesitation and clear hatred.

"Yellow, this planet is hers. You will not attack a diamond on her own planet, will you?" Blue set Steven down and approached to Yellow, gently holding her hand.

"All right, I promise. Until our ships are repared or we find another way back to home world I promise not to attack any of you low gems. To be noted, only Until we find a way back to homeworld" Yellow quickly shook off Blue's hand, Blue's eyes showing hurt but her smile still remaining.

"That's good enough for now!" Bismuth chirped and they all laughed, except the diamonds, of course.

"My diamond..." Blue's pearl appeared from under the debris, holding her gem. Her form glitching. Her gem cracked.

"Oh, my pearl." She approached her Pearl, a look of sadness filling her soft features.

And we are now back to the start, I wasn't happy with how the story was so I've been putting off finishing it for a long while now, but I've finally decided to do something about it. So I'm editing it, adding new things and I'm pretty excited about it. Please be patient with me :')

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