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"Shattered? How could you possibly know that for sure?" Steven tried reassuring the yellow pearl that shook violently in his embrace.

Yellow pearl cried her nonexistent heart out as she felt the 'bond' that held her diamond and her together disappeared, shattered with her diamond.

"She's gone... She's gone... She's gone..." Yellow pearl muttered as a mantra that broke her soul each time she repeated it.
Steven looked up at the other pearls, silently begging for help with his eyes as he tried to help yellow pearl up, who only weighed herself down so he wouldn't.

White pearl cleared her throat, placing a hand on Steven's shoulder end gently peeling him away from Yellow pearl.
She kneeled down beside her and shook her shoulder.
"Look at yourself," White pearl spoke as Yellow diamond once did when Blue cried over the loss of Pink.
"Mourning as a pathetic mess, weeping over the loss of her. Do you think she would approve of this pathetic display?"

Yellow pearl's weeping stopped and she froze on the floor, not moving an inch as she took in every single word White spat at her.

"Being the pearl of such a radiant diamond, you should know better than this. Did your diamond not teach you anything? What a shame, her remains would be burning with shame is anyone saw her pearl in such a pathetic position, what a shame indeed."

"D-don't...." Yellow pearl sniffed and stood up on her shaky knees.

"Don't what? Is that all you have to say for yourself?" White pearl straightened her back and looked down at her. Her gaze as cold as Yellow diamonds once was.

Yellow pearl straightened her back and stared back at White, wiping her tears away and swallowing the lump in her throat.

"You may be right, I will remain a strong gem just as my diamond would have wanted me to."

White pearl nodded and walked back to Blue and Steven, immediately slumping down on her knees and letting out a long breath she had been holding. Steven patted her back, and when White pearl looked up she was met with a radiant and comforting smile from Steven, which she awkwardly returned and stood back up.


"This was a mistake... I should've obeyed and stayed home. This isn't my war.... And now I have seen things that I will never forget." Connie thought to herself as she stood in front of the remains of the once glorious diamond.

"Connie! Hurry!" Shouted Garnet.

Connie kneeled down and picked up the shattered remains of the diamond and shoved them inside of her small plastic bag that once contained her sandwich. Her hands trembled as she hid the remains in her bag, zipping it closed and holding on to the straps as if holding onto dear life itself.

"From being a glorious diamond to being shoved inside a sandwich bag stained with mustard." She thought and immediately scolded herself for being disrespectful with the perished.

She followed behind them, pearl on the lead with her diamond in hands.
The diamond in her hands began to glow and she quickly placed her on the ground, stepping back and waiting for her diamond to reappear.

Pink diamond fell to her knees with a loud gasp. "Yellow!" She widened her eyes and took a look at her surroundings.

"My diamond, you are safe now, I got rid of Yellow diamond." Pearl announced proudly.

"Rid...?" Pink diamond furrowed her eyebrows and stared at Pearl in confusion.

"Shattered." Stated Garnet coldly.

"Shattered?" Pink diamonds eyes widened even more if possible, staring at her small Pearl that appeared so proud of her doings.

"I-I wanted to stop her yet never shatter her..." Pink Diamond shook as guilt invaded her body.

"My diamond... There is more important matters at hand..." Pearl tried to distract her.

"Rescuing Steven, for example." Connie piped in.

"S-Steven.... Yes... Steven...." Pink diamond muttered to herself trying to regain composure. "I haven't seen him since I poofed first." She remembered.

"Well... Do you think White Diam—"

"Blue!!" Pink gasped. "She is in danger! White diamond will surely punish her in the worst way possible! We need to save her!" Pink diamond shook Pearl by her shoulders. Pearl looked back at the rest.

"Peridot... Lapis..." Pearl spoke up after a moment of staring at them.
"Take Connie back to the ship."

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