A day to remember.

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             "My diamond..." Blue's pearl appeared from under the debris, holding her gem, form glitching. Her gem clearly cracked.

    "Oh, my Pearl." She approached her, a look of sadness filling her soft features. She softly picked the pearl up, a single tear running down her cheek. "Your gem is cracked..."

"Put her out of her misery." Yellow said coldly. "Pearl. Come out here."
She clapped and waited for a second, once the pearl didn't answer she groaned and leaned down to rummage through the debris, until finding her own Pearl buried beneath.

     "Yes, my diamond" she said, patting the dirt off herself and standing beside her proudly.

    "Oh pearl, I'm sorry" Blue said softly, regret in her voice. She reached in to grab the pearls gem, the pearl shaking but accepting her faith.

     "Wait!!" Steven shrieked in panic, "I can save her! Just let me try!"

     "Pink had no such gift" said Yellow, narrowing her eyes at Steven.

   "Let her try..." Blue said placing her pearl on the sand, Steven quickly approaching and giving a reassuring smile to the glitching pearl.

Steven licked his hand and placed it on her gem, the pearl's face showing slight disgust.

"How.... Disgusting.." said Yellow.

The pearls gem quickly glowed and healed, the pearl sighing in relief.

"Pink.... You are amazing..." Blue smiled at him warmly, holding her hand out for her pearl who quickly sat on.

"Blue... Is there... Anyway for you two to be... I don't know... Smaller?..."

"Oh, of course, we would be too much of a bother if we remain in this size... Shall we Yellow?" she looked at her with a warm smile.

"Blue... As always... You are spoiling Pink"

"We just got her back... I want to cherish her before she disappears again."
Blue's diamond began to glow and she slowly shrank to the size of Garnet, Yellow quickly copying her.

"Pink's form looks more disturbing from down here" Yellow cringed.

"What did you say about Steven?!" Connie quickly pointed what little remained of Rose's, well, Pink's sword in anger.

"Oh what an interesting little human, tell me, are you Pink's servant?" Blue said smiling at Connie, making her blush and lower her sword in embarrassment.

"N-not a servant, a knight in any case, but no, I am his best friend."

"Friend, what does that word mean?" Blue looked at her curious.

"I-Its uh..." Connie blushed darker and looked down.

"Yellow! Come quickly! Humans change color!" Blue diamond said getting closer to Connie, amazement in her face.
"What interesting little creatures you are..." She muttered with a smile.

"Blue diamond doesn't seem so bad..." Steven whispered to Lapis, who seemed obviously uncomfortable and out of place.

"Steven, whatever you do, you shouldn't trust the diamonds. They are all cruel monsters that will stop for nothing to get what they desire."
Lapis whispered, her face serious and emotionless.

Steven stared at Blue and Yellow diamond who were now inspecting Connie's and Greg's faces, wondering if beings who seemed so amazed by the human blush could be so evil.

"Blue diamond, you will both stay on earth, under the condition of not harming any life form. If any of you cause any trouble, us, the Crystal gems will make sure to get rid of both of you once and for all."
Said Garnet calmly.

"How dares such a disgraceful fusion speak to us that way, or even dare show it's face in front of us, you disgust me" Yellow looked away.

Garnet growled and formed her gauntlets ready to attack.

"G-Garnet no...!" Steven quickly jumped in, stopping any of the two from moving forward.
"They are our guests now. We will receive them properly. And who knows, maybe they'll even have a change of heart and leave the earth alone"

After a while.

Bismuth, Lapis, Peridot and Amethyst walked on the beach, trying to stay as far away from the Diamonds as possible, and to cool their heads down, everything happened so quickly in just a single day.

Connie went home, taking lion with her.

Garnet, Pearl and Greg had settled down in the temple, trying to figure out what to do next.

And the diamond's pearls did their best to clean the debris from the ships that littered the beach.

Steven showed the diamonds around the beach, happy to enjoy a moment of peace after all the disaster.
He picked up a shell, excitedly turning to show Blue.
"Look, this is a shell, normally crabs live in here."

"What a strange place for a creature to live in" Blue smiled and grabbed the shell gently.

Yellow quickly snatched it from Blue and began analyzing it.
"This is a rather small and cramped place for any creature to inhabit, why would it design such a flawed place to live in?" Yellow said judging, tearing the shell apart with her eyes.

"Oh, it didn't design it, nature created it that way, the small crab can use it to go everywhere with it, that way it's never away from home."
Steven smiled at Yellow, who didn't seem impressed.

"Tch. Why would 'Nature' create such a stupid house?" Yellow threw the shell to the ocean, annoyed.
"This just show that 'Nature' is completely useless." She argued.

"I-it's not! Nature is beautiful, you will learn to appreciate nature while you stay here."
He said annoyed, but still trying to remain positive and friendly.

"Pink, can you find me another shell? I couldn't see it very well" Blue smiled, giving him a slight push to encourage him.

"Oh, sure! Ill be right back! Don't go anywhere!" Steven ran down the beach excitedly, in search for a new shell.

"Yellow... What will White do about this... Situation?" She asked hesitantly, nervous.

"I have no idea, but until we find a way to bring Pink back, we will have to keep this new form a secret from White."

"Here!" Steven ran back with another shell in his hands, excitedly showing it to Blue.

"Oh this is beautiful. Thank you Pink"

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