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    "Now, Pink, what will you choose?"

Pink diamond looked at White diamond, her pretty pink face filled with fear, she gulped and stared right back at her at a loss for words.

    She knew that this mad tyrant would, and will do anything to keep her puppet strings attached to her.

"I-I...." Pink diamond began to feel the hot tears roll down her face.

"Pick the earth." Steven said.

"What...?" The diamonds turned to look at him in surprise.

"Mom! Pick the earth!" Steven struggled in white pearl's grip once more.

"B-but Steven..." Pink diamond stared at him, sadness in her eyes.

The tension was clear in the air, almost feeling like heavy mist filling the room and make it hard to breathe.

Pink Diamond breathed heavily, unsure of what to do. Millions of thoughts, ideas, possibilities flooding her brain, quickly interrupted by the sound of a laugh filled with pure evil and joy.

"Oh, Starlight! This is amazing! Look at your little pet choosing the entire's planet's life over his. Aren't humans just adorable creatures?"
White diamond sighed wiping a fake tear from the corner of her eyes.

"However...." Her voiced turned serious once again. "This stubbornness will not go unpunished, Pink." She leaned back down, her long white thumb stretching to gently caress Pink Diamonds cheek, wiping some of her tears away.

"Wh-what....?" Pink diamond looked at her confused and terrified, becoming painfully aware of the distance, or lack of, between them.

White diamond squeezed Pink's face tightly, making her unable to move.

"Oh Pink, I wish I could know what goes on in this pretty little pink head of yours..." She squeezed tighter and tighter, causing Pink to cry out in pain and claw at her hand, begging for her to stop.

Blue had held her breath throughout the whole scene unfolding before her, completely nervous as she expectated it all, snapped back to reality, quickly moving to try and help Pink.
Yellow seeing this, quickly held her hand out before her, making Blue Diamond stop in her tracks and look at her confused.

"It's for her best." Yellow said coldly as Blue tried to move her hand away, feeling helpless.

"I wonder, what moment you thought that abandoning your duty as a diamond would end well," she spoke softly, "I wonder what made you think that you could be happy on earth?" She leaned in, her voice lowering to a whisper.
"You know, Pink, us diamonds, we are not meant to be happy, we are meant to rule." White grabbed her small head in her hand and lifted her up.

Pearl kept trashing trying to free herself, hot tears begining to escape her as helplessness began to consume her. Unable to do anything for her once more.

White lifted Pink up, so she could be face to face, making intense eye contact.

"Oh, Pink, this hurts me more than it hurts you. But, you will have to learn your lesson. This will not go unpunished." Her voice turning colder by the second.
"You will learn your lesson, a lesson that will never, never leave that small head of yours."
White's smile grew wider as her eyes were filled with madness, excitement filling her body.

Pearl tugged away once more, finally managing to release herself and ran to defend her diamond, jumping on to White diamond. Who just chuckled flicked her off like a flee.

"Oh my, isn't this interesting!" She released Pink diamond who fell to the ground with a soft thud, as she gasped attempting to contain her cries of terror.

"You're my old pearl." White diamond said in amusement and crouched to take a better look at Pearl.

"I see that you did not fulfill your duty.
I thought that an experienced pearl could guide our poor naive Pink diamond on her first conquest. I made a sacrifice by accepting this.... This worthless and utterly useless, damaged pearl so Pink could have a guide through all of this. And what did you do? You failed." She grabbed Pink's Pearl and squeezed her head, this time with no hesitation, she poofed her.
    A small white pearl remaining in her hand.

"How pitiful" White Diamond teased.

"Pearl!!!!" Steven and Pink diamond yelled in perfect unison, panic and horror in perfect harmony in their voices.

Well well well,
The moment comes where you are left with a horrible cliffhanger while the author just sips her tea and watches you all suffer.
It hurts me more than it hurt you.
Sorry if they seem a bit short!
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