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      Blue diamond was shaking as she tried to hold herself up, White diamond stood over her, laughing at her poor attempts to fight her back.

"Oh, Blue. Haven't you had enough already? Just say you are deeply and completely sorry.
Just say you regret the second you dare lift a finger at me to defend this rebellious Diamond."  She eyed her while a smirk formed on her lips. "She needs to be punished, she needs discipline. It will happen, no matter how much you resist."

Blue looked up at her, tears streaming down from her sad eyes, knowing she wouldn't be a match for this overpowered ruler that stood in front of her.
     The pink diamond began to glow in White's hand. "Oh! Not yet, Starlight!" White squeezed her hand shut so she wouldn't have any space to reform, the light struggled to free itself from her hands.
"Haha! Isn't she just a stubborn one!" White diamond laughed and squeezed her hand shut tighter.
"Pink....." Blue cried feeling helpless.
She lifted her hand once more and shot the slightest bit of blue energy at White's hand.
The Pink diamond flew out of her hand and the body of light reappeared, forming the small pink diamond.

       She stood confused for a moment as White diamond held her hand in pain while glaring at Blue diamond.

"Pink....! Run!" Blue yelled as she blasted White once again.
And Pink diamond did.
But she ran the exact opposite way Blue expected her to.
She picked Blue diamond up and began to twirl with her, holding her tightly against herself so she wouldn't fall. Blue's body felt weak, letting pink diamond hold her
"Pink....?" Blue eyes widened as the light surrounded them.
The last thing Blue diamond saw was a beautiful smile on Pink Diamond's face as her consciousness dissapeared.
Instead, the beautiful new being opened her eyes as everything seemed to sparkle around her, her long legs wobbled and she struggled to maintain her balance.
       A beautiful smile formed on her purple lips as they stared at the White tyrant in front of them.
White diamond stared at her, the slightest hint of fear washed over her face before dissapearing and the smirk replacing it.
"My, you think you will beat me this way? No matter how hard you try, you will be no match for me." She laughed.
"White Diamond! Your era of tyranny has come to an end-" Pink diamond tried to speak, but Blue stopped her. "Pink, what are you—"
The purple fusion formed a giant  pink shield and stared at White.
"Pink.... How did you..?"
"You can do it too, just don't think about it. Don't think of what a diamond is and isn't supposed to do. You are your own gem! What is the point of being an all mighty powerful leader if you don't have the freedom to be yourself!" Pink diamond shouted.
      White diamond just smirked seeing the fusion yell at herself.
"Blue, For once in your eternal existence, be free to be yourself! Be free!"  The fusions face turned determined at it slowly nodded.
The shield in its hand dissapeared, a light began to shine in her hands as a beautiful purple umbrella appeared in them with a sharp diamond attached to the end. The fusion stared at in awe.
"Bravo, what an interesting show are you two putting up. But no matter what you do. You will not be leaving this place unpunished"
White diamond lifted her hand, pointing directly at the fusion and smirked, "now, you better not resist, it will only make things for worst for both you", and with that said she  blasted her energy at the purple diamond, who quickly reacted and blocked the first blow with her umbrella.
"Great job, Blue!" Pink said excitedly.

White diamond groaned loudly.
"Wow, I'm impressed you're still on your feet," she closed her hand and formed a fist, staring directly at them. "But not for long."
Purple diamond closed the umbrella and pointed the sharp tip at her as if holding a spear.
"Pink.... I've never been in.... A fight..." Blue whispered as quietly as possible.
"Worry not, I have expirience in this." A smile formed on their face as the diamond stood in a defensive position, waiting for any sign of movement from the white diamond to pounce.

"Oh! Do you really think you can stand up to me? Surprise me, Starlight." In a blink of an eye, the white diamond had appeared in front of their face, staring directly into their eyes as she slapped her across the face.

    Purple diamond stumbled back on her feet, caught off guard and surprised by the sudden attack. She backed away and returned to her position, shaking her head violently to concentrate.
White diamond slapped her once again, this time they fell to the ground, finally returning to reality.
       Purple shook her head violently one more time, standing up and pouncing at White diamond with her umbrella directly in front of her.  White diamond quickly dodged and laughed at the poor attempt of attack.
"Why are you so distracted, Dear? You need to focus if you wish to continue your existence." White diamond said mockingly.

Purple diamond ignored her and pounced on more time, the sharp diamond catching on the diamonds clothes, but before they could go any deeper, White diamond grabbed the umbrella and pulled it out and pushed purple diamond against the wall.
White diamond pressed her against tha wall, staring directly at their eyes.
"Now, enough is enough." White diamond pressed a hand against their cheek. "Time out for both of you." White diamond said with an evil tone in her voice.
A white light blinded them as they felt their consciousness fade.

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