Shattered Pearl.

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       "Oh, Pink," White Diamond spoke, a diabolic playfulness in her voice, "look what you've done."

"This is all happening because of you, this small pearl lived to serve you, she did all she could to make you happy. Was anything she did ever enough to satisfy that endless void in your existence?" White diamond played with the pearl in her hands, gently rolling it in her fingers.

"Let her go...." Pink said in tears, gasping as she contained herself from breaking down.
"What was that?" White smirked and looked down at her, raising her eyebrow in amusement.

"LET HER GO!!!" Pink pounced at White Diamond, the clear difference of strength and size almost laughable.

White diamond smiled and caught her in her hand with ease, squeezing her tightly in her hand. The pink diamond's attempt to free herself useless and pathetic. Her face contorted into many shadows of pain as she quickly felt her body disappear, poofing away.
Now only a small pink diamond remaining in her big white hand.

"PIINK!!!!!" Blue Diamond screamed in horror, adrenaline invading her as she pushed Yellow away, quickly blasting White diamond with her blue energy.

White diamond jerked her neck to the side turning  to look at Blue with a raised brow.

"Blue?" She said surprised. "Did you just dare defy me?" Her voice lowered, now turning serious.

"L-let Pink go.... I will not— I WILL NOT LOOSE HER AGAIN!" Blue screamed her blue aura escaping her, as a gloomy mood filled the air.

"Oh, Pink, look what you've caused. You have a gift of turning obedient gems into rebels." White diamond held the Pink Diamond in her hand, turning to talk to it with a fake sad expression.

"Yellow, take Blue out of here. I will deal with Pink and company."

Yellow nodded and tried to touch Blue, who quickly slapped her hand away and looked at her furiously.

"Dont touch me! You! Do you not care for Pink? Are you really as empty as Pink believes us to be?!" She blasted Yellow in her face multiple times.

Yellow's expression darkened, becoming disgusted and angry.

"Blue.... You've always been soft. I knew you weren't capable to lead." She slapped Blue, throwing her off balance, causing her to fall back.
"You are weak! You're gems are weak! And you will never be anything but a depressive useless gem."
She grabbed Blue diamond by her hair and blasted her face with her yellow energy.

"Haha, look at these two Pink, do you really enjoy this?" White diamond laughed amused at the sight.

Their pearls stood there, watching the sight with terrified expressions as their diamonds fought each other.

The pearl began to glow in White diamonds hands, not a second past before the Pearl's body reformed and  jumped out of White diamond's hand.

"Oh?" White diamond looked at her and tilted her head slightly, amused. "Wonder what this small little pearl will do next?"

Pearl just stared up at her and pulled her spear out one more time, her hands shaking as she tried to stand her ground against the giant mad tyrant.

She unexpectedly turned around, in a swift and graceful movement slashing White Pearl's body in two.

But the pearl did not poof.

Her body fell to the ground, shattering as pieces of glass and machine fell to the ground.

Steven fell to the ground, finally being released by the pearl's grip, turning around slowly to see the pearl's body completely destroyed on the floor.

"Wh-what the...!?" Steven yelled on horror.

"Steven. There is no time!" Pearl grabbed Steven's shirt and pulled it up, revealing the small rose were his diamond had once been.

"Open your stomach!" Pearl yelled as she tapped his stomach looking for a way in his stomach portal.

Steven obliged and opened his stomach wide enough for Pearl to jump in.

"I'm sorry Steven..." Pearl said with tears and regret in her eyes as she jumped inside of Steven's stomach.

He turned his attention back at the shattered body of white's Pearl, small lights twitching and sparks jumping.

"Oh my! Where did that Pearl go?" White diamond looked down at Steven with her awful smirk. "Did she just abandon you, Dear?"

Steven ignored her while he stared down at the shattered Pearl. In between all the Crystal and machine parts laid a small white Pearl, with a small crack on the top.

He grabbed the white Pearl and hid it in his pocket while White diamond was distracted, looking at the fight between Yellow and Blue clapping her hands in amusement.

Finally, Blue twisted Yellow's neck and made her poof.
The sickening blast of air surrounded them as the yellow body of light retreated into the diamond that fell to the ground, with a loud clink. Blue stood panting heavily while tears rolled down her face.

"Give me Pink back."

She turned to look at White defiantly, and stood up straight, determination filling her beautiful features.

"Why would I ever do that?" White chuckled. "Now, dear Blue, let's begin your punishment for attacking me and Yellow!" White diamond said excitedly while she pointed her hand at Blue, gathering energy as she prepared to blast.

Aaaaaaaaaaaaa I love Blue diamond too much that I just can't bare to make her evil.
I always thought that she was a poor broken and depressed gem, constantly being consumed by the pain of loosing Pink.
I knew you all thought that our girl Pearl would be shattered. Welp! This is all for today.
Peace out!
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