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             "Whoa...." Steven stared at the ship as it landed on the beach.

"My gems are fast" Yellow said proudly as a her giant yellow ship landed.

"Why couldn't we ask for my ship?" Blue stared at Yellow.

"Pink, talking about ships, where is yours?" Yellow turned to Rose, completely ignoring Blue.

"I..." Rose hesitated. "It was destroyed by my army"

"Pink...." Yellow began. She looked at her and just groaned in frustration. "Pink, please return your original shape" Yellow looked away and made a movement with her hands towards her ships.

The ship rised slightly, then a finger pressed on them.

Steven closed his eyes in fear, holding onto his mother.

Rose giggled.

"Steven, we're on the ship now, you should take a seat." She held his hand and walked with him to a row of seats that were aligned near a wall.

"Yes mom" They sat down.

"Pink, I won't repeat it again, return to your true form, your diamond form"
    Yellow diamond sat on her seat, her pear quickly stood next to her with pride.

Pearl, Pink's Pearl, stared at Rose awkwardly until Rose smiled at her and patted a seat next to her.

Pearl blushed and sat next to her excitedly.

Blue stared at Pink's Pearl.

Pearl tried to ignore her gaze and just turned to Steven.

"This will be so much fun, Steven."
Steven nodded as he rumagged thru his burger backpack.

"What are you looking for Steven?" Rose looked at him.

"Oh.... Just... Nothing..." He placed his backpack on the ground.

The ship began to move, in no time they were floating thru space.

Steven got up from his seat and immediately began floating.

"Whoa.... Uh... Pearl?" All the pearls turned to look at him.

"Oh my, why is he floating around?" Blue reached out and grabbed Steven. "Human sure are interesting" she smiled at Steven.

Rose smiled at Blue.

"Now go back to your... Mother" Blue handed Steven to Rose who held on to him tightly.


"Ugh.... This is so boriiiiiiing..." Steven shifted around in his mothers arms.

"What would you like to do, Steven?" Rose said in her soft voice.

"Change back to Pink, for starters" Yellow diamond interrupted.

Rose sighed. "I was talking to Steven"

"You better change back before we arrive at home world, every single gem would attack you if they saw you like.... That." She scoffed.

Rose sighed and handed Steven to Pearl as she stood up.

He body of light began to glow as it turned taller, yet again the light glitching and distorting slightly.

The light dimmed and her beautiful diamond self was back.

"Pink.... You look...." Blue began.

"Older." Said Yellow coldly.

"I was going to say mature, or beautiful." Blue said quietly.

Pink Diamond indeed did look older, her light pink hair was slightly longer, she wore a beautiful dark pink dress, slight under her knee, it had a star shape where the diamond could be seen, but instead of her upside down diamond, the quartz passing alignment remained.

Over all, she was taller and it appeared she wore mascara and a slightly darker pink eyeshadow.

"My mom's so pretty" Steven said out loud.

"Beautiful indeed." Pearl agreed with a slight blush on her face.

"I'm not feeling so well...." Steven announced holding his stomach.

"Oh are you getting motion sickness? Are you going to.... Vomit?" Pearl looked around nervously looking for somewhere for him to release his stomach.

Steven eyes narrowed as a purple hand shoved a piece of paper thru his stomach rose.

"Oh it was just that" Pearl said calming down and picking up the piece of paper.

"Its a letter from Connie!" Steven grabbed it.

"Isn't it too soon to be sending letter already?" Pearl looked over Steven's shoulder trying to read the letter.

"Dear Steven,
It's been almost 6 hours since you left and we all miss you already, Lion misses you the most.
I had dinner with the gems, well, with Amethyst, Garnet just sat there keeping us company.
We ate pizza, I only got to eat one slice when Amethyst had already shoved the rest into her mouth.
It was still delicious.
We played lonely blade in your room for a while until the idea of writing you a letter came up.
Amethyst wrote on the other side of the paper.
Hope to see you soon,

Steven smiled and turned the paper around.

"Yo, Stevo! Just wanted to tell you that your room has been taken over by Lapis and me, been playing lonely blade non stop.
Miss you Stevo"

Steven smiled as he read the letter. "I'll write one back right now!"

"Steven, you should wait until you have something interesting to write about, why don't you play a game on your phone?" Pearl suggested.

"I....." Steven mumbled under his breath.
"What did you say?"

"I forgot to put it in my backpack..." He fiddled with his fingers.

Blue diamond got up from her seat and walked up to Yellow, who talked on her diamond direct line.

Steven stared at them as they talked.

"But Yellow.... We can't let...." Is all he could hear.

"Blue, it has to be done..." Yellow said barely audible.

Steven looked away as Yellow diamond glanced at him.

"We will talk about this later, now go take your seat, we will be arriving soon."

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