Airplanes like shooting stars (Kai)

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"I could really use a wish right now" she whispered as the two lay on the ground, watching the sky.
"What do you mean?" He replied, slowly turning his head to the girl next to him. "Do you have a wish?" He looked curious, he smile giving him away.
"I do" She shyly replied, counting the fifth airplane they have seen that evening. "But I see no shooting stars. It probably won't ever happen"


Jongin didn't forget that day but he didn't know how to ask his best friend about it. She didn't tell him there, why would she now, after a few weeks. What was that about? He thought as the warm water of the shower damped his hair, slowly running down his bare skin. I wonder if it's the same wish as mine.
He didn't know about her feelings, she barely talked about your heart. His best friend was shy and somewhat scared that if she opened too much someone might hurt her, and he respected that but sometimes it drove him crazy, as he was madly in love with her.


"We should wish something, little one" Jongin spoke after minutes of silence, of just the sound of the cars passing by taking their owners back to their homes after a long day. "Don't you think?" He chuckled, moving his hand closer to yours, just mere inches away from yours.
"How? There's nothing here to make our wishes come true? No genie, no shooting star, no mermaid.." He couldn't help himself and laugh a little to that, puzzling her and making her wonder what was on that lively boy's mind.
He sat up and just stared at the canal in front of them, seeing the reflection of the little white dots on the water's surface that the lights of the airplanes made.
"Let's pretend those airplanes that always fly above, are shooting stars"
"You are crazy Jongin"
"I know" He playfully poked her side. "Now... wish something! Loud and clear so they can hear you up there"
Her cheeks immediately flushed and after some minutes that seemed hours, when Jongin thought she wouldn't do it, she shouted. "I wish.... I wish my best friend loved me!"
A little bit shocked, but happy, Jongin took her hand and yelled too "And I wish for her to be my girlfriend!"

 I wish my best friend loved me!"A little bit shocked, but happy, Jongin took her hand and yelled too "And I wish for her to be my girlfriend!"

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A/N: I hope the anon that requested this likes it! Sorry it took so long! It was inspired by the song Airplanes by B.O.B ft Hayley Williams. Xo, Admin A~

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