Not your normal Cinderella: Part 1

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Hey guys a little authors note: so this story is a Cinderella story (sorry, didn't know what else to write about) and the reader falls for... you guessed it, Peter!! Also I will accept requests so thank you so much and continue reading!

Y/N's POV:
"Y/n wake up!" A voice yelled.

My eyes shot open and sat upright in my bed. I looked around my small room, looking for the voice.

"Y/n wake up now and get down here and make breakfast!" The voice shouted again.

I groan and force myself out of bed. I got dressed into some boys trousers and a white shirt, with black boots. Why you ask, because I don't really have any dresses. My aunt, Jade, thought only her daughters, Audrey and Jane should have dresses. They treated me like I wasn't really apart of the family. I didn't mind not having any dresses. It made moving around easier.

I threw my hair into a quick bun and ran downstairs. Making breakfast was just one of the few chores that I had. I also cleaned, took care of the few animals we owned, do the garden, and get food from the market.

Where are my parents, you ask? Well... they died. My mother died when I was little, from an illness that caused her to lose her strength and my father died in the war that took place a few months ago. It was a war against the White Witch. She called herself the queen of Narnia when the rightful ruler was Aslan.

My father told me of a prophecy, one involving two sons of Adam and two daughters of Eve. They would come and defeat the White Witch and they would take the throne, ruling Narnia. It seemed to good to be true when they finally came. My father left immediately, leaving me in the care of my aunt, his sister in-law. You see, Jade was my mother's sister.

My first day living with them, they ordered me around, and treated me like a servant. They still do. When I got the news my father had died in the war, my heart broke in two. All I could think was how lonely I felt. My aunt and cousins didn't care. They just gave me more work to do. I did the work without question. Though I barely had anytime for myself.

The only times I do get to myself is at night in my room. So, when everyone is asleep, I sneak out and practice fighting. Both with swords and hand to hand combat. It was something my father taught me to do so I could protect myself.

Now, I was making breakfast, stealing some as I made it. What can I say? I was starving! My two cousins and my aunt sat at the table, waiting impatiently for the food to be ready. Then Audrey started with her remarks. Oh how I loathe her.

"Come on, y/n, how lazy can you be!? It shouldn't take that long to make breakfast." She said, her voice annoying as ever.

I roll my eyes in reponse. "It's almost done, jeez." I say. "Here."

She gave me a dirty look and I just glare in response. After that, I went outside, to finish my chores quickly. I fed the two horses, the chickens, the dog and last but not least, I did the garden. I plucked the weeds, watered the plants, and made sure that everything was in order.

"Y/n!" My aunt called. "The girls and I are going into town. We'll be back in three hours."

"Alright!" I reply, feeling excitement course through me.

"Make sure you clean the house!" She yells again. "I want it to be nice clean by the time we're home."

Of course, I thought. As soon as I finished the garden, I cleaned the house. I started with the kitchen, then the living room, and worked my way upstairs. I cleaned my room, which I only needed to sweep. Then on to my cousins room. They share because they are twins and you won't beleive the amount of fights the two have on a daily basis. Then on to my aunts, which was kind of dark and ominous looking.

When my work was done, I grabbed my sword and ran down the stairs. I put a saddle on my favorite horse, Pegasus, because of his pure white coat. And I loved myths, especially the one with Pegasus. Anyways, I then climbed on the horse and headed to the woods.

I felt the wind in my face, feeling like I was free even though I wasn't. My (h/c) flowed in the wind, glinting off the bright sun. I finally made it to a clearing where I trained. I even made a makeshift dummy to fight. The first thing I did was practice using my sword, pretending I was actually fighting someone.

After doing this for a while, I put my sword down and did hand to hand combat instead. Punching and kicking, the works. Since the dummy is made of wood and I didn't have anything soft to put around it, I often had bruised and bloody knuckles. I could take something from the house, but then my aunt would probably notice what was missing so... yeah.

I was taking a break, sitting on the ground and wrapping up my knuckles. I think that's enough training for one day, I thought. Then my horse started freaking out. I stood up quickly and walked to him.

"What's wrong Pegs?" I ask, trying to calm him down. He was usually calm whenever we were out here. I looked at my surroundings, looking for signs of danger. I then heard a stick snap and I raise my fists, my sword on the other side of the clearing.

"Who’s there?" I say, my voice strong though I was kind of scared. I tried to make myself appear taller than I was. Then, a boy around my age came out of the woods, hands in the air. He had blond hair, blue eyes, and he was wearing brown pants, black boots and a white shirt. He had a horse behind him, and his sword was still sheathed.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to startle you." He says, raising his eyebrows. "I was just wondering what you were doing."

I lower my fists, looking at the boy. "I was just sitting..." I say slowly.

"Really?" He asks and then looked at my hands. "Then why are your hands bleeding?"

I try to cover my knuckles. "I was training." I say honestly, though I don't know why. I didn't even know the boy standing in front of me. He came closer, his blue eyes studying me. I felt my cheeks grow warm and I look away.

"What's your name?" He asks, his voice soft.

I look up at him. "Y/n..." I answer, a little unsure. "What's your name?"

He smiles before answering. "Peter."

"Well, Peter, what brings you to the woods?" I ask.

"Just on a ride." He answers, looking around the clearing. "Life can be pretty hectic so I like to take walks and clear my head."

I stare at him for a few minutes, wondering who he was. His name sounded familiar, but I couldn't place it. I then saw the sun getting lower in the sky and I worried that I was too late.

"I should be going." I say and climbed up onto my horse.

He nods. "Will I see you around?" He asks, hope gleaming in his eyes.

I felt my cheeks heat up a little and I smile slightly and nod.

"Goodbye." I say and ride off.

"Goodbye!" He calls out to me as I ride away.

I smile, the wind blowing in my face, and hope to see him soon.

Another a/n: sorry, some of the chapter didn't publish fully... so yeah, I had to write the last bit all over sgain. Anyways, I will publish the next chapter soon.

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