Fighting over you

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Tom and Tord had to watch you while Edd and Matt went to the store to get more baby blanket and milk, as well as cola and baby clothes. Tom was hold you and Tord was his room reading hentai since he can't let you see in the living room he'd thought to just do it in his room. You woke up looking at Tom smiling at him trying to get his attention, Tom noticed you smiling at him and then picked up to feed you. Tom looked in the fridge to see if there was any milk left in the fridge and there was but only enough for you. Tom grabbed a bottle and poured the rest of the milk into it, after that he warms in up and gives the warmed milk. "Heh this isn't so bad what was I talking about this is easy, as long as Tord doesn't get to her I'm fine." Tom thought to himself. You were almost done, when you heard someone coming downstairs it was Tord who had just went to go check on you and Tom. "Heh I knew he was getting soft on little (y/n)." Tord thought to himself. "Why good morning Thomas what I a lovely day to spend time with my daughter." Tord Said. "You mean our daughter and I'm not handing her to you besides *closing your ears* why the fuck would I give her to you I don't know where those hands have been, Oh Wait I do so don't even dare of touching her you fucking commie." Tom said to Tord. It wasn't long before the two started fighting over you and things were getting worse. Tom and Tord were fighting over you winning to see who was your favorite, but you already loved them all of them. You drift off to sleep as Tom put the bottle in the sink for it to be washed, then you and Tom and Tord went to sleep as they wait for Edd and Matt to get home.

Time Skipped
Edd and Matt were finally home exhausted from getting the things that they needed for you when Matt saw you, Tom and Tord sleeping on the couch while holding you in their arms. Edd took a picture of them this woke up Tord who saw Edd giggling and told him to delete the picture while Tom woke up and did the same told them to delete it. It was night time and Tom this time let you sleep in there with him, he kissed you goodnight and you and drift off to sleep Tord However, got a little jealous and and wanted you to sleep with him instead of Tom; Tom saw Tord and said " Don't even dare commie." Tord walked away and went to his room when he got a text from Pat saying "their ready when you are sir" Tord smirked and went to his room.

Months Past
You were only a year old it was the day Tord was leaving, he kissed you goodbye as you started to cry you didn't want him to go as you wanted to hold him one last time but he was gone and you missed him already. "Good I was wanting him leave." Tom said in cheer. "Tom stop being so rude." Edd said. "Look I'm glad he's gone besides I didn't like him anyways." Everyone went back inside continued doing things while you were still upset that he was gone. Tom tried to make you feel better by giving you (favorite stuff animal ) and this made you happy again, Tom picked you up and carried you to your high chair so you could eat. For dinner you ate greens and for dessert fruits Edd was trying to get you to eat your greens but you didn't want to, so Matt says this "If you eat your greens I'll make Tom buy you a giant (f/c) stuff animal if you eat all of your greens." You lit up in joy and started eating your food and looked at Tom, "Matt why the fuck did you say that?" Tom said. "Well because you need to something other than being lazy all day." Matt said and Edd agreed.

Meanwhile at the Red Base
Tord was the leader of the Red Army he control everything, "Ah now let's men Let's go cause some chaos." Tord smirked as he made his way to the city. The Red Army was huge they started killing and destroying everything and anyone who dares to cross their path "Hehe if you can't beat us then join us." Tord Said to the man that was almost out of bullets he nodded and joined it wasn't long before the whole city was gone.

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