Protective Tom

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Your Nightmare
You were running from Tord as he was trying to take you away the others. He said he would you away from them and kill you if you were to say anything about his plans and he would take over everything.

Tom was coming to his room to check on you when he heard you crying. He opened the door making sure Tord wasn't trying to take you away but you were only having a bad dream. He walks over to you and shakes you from your dreams. "(Y/n) hey it's okay now I'm here." Tom says holding you in your arms. "T-Tommy I had a terrible dream *sniff* Tordy said that he was going to kill me and take over the world and and-." You cut off by Tom holding you saying that no one is going to take you away not while he's here to keep you safe. The next morning it was a Saturday morning sadly it was raining and you thought it would be fun to splash in the puddles while it rained. So you put on your raincoat and rain boots and went outside. Edd woke up to hear the sounds of laughter, he then goes to the window and sees you splashing in the rain. "Aww that's so cute (y/n) having fun." Edd said as he washed up and got dressed. He walks downstairs to make breakfast. Then Matt wakes up and sees that it's raining and sees you playing in the rain. "Aww Wait (y/n)'s hair is gonna get messed up." Matt said as he got washed up and dressed. Last Tom to only get woken up you laughing outside, he sees someone behind you watching you from afar. Tom washed up and got dressed and rain outside. "(Y/n) inside now!" Tom says in anger. "But Tommy I was just jumping on puddles." You Said. "I know sweetie but I think you shouldn't be out here by yourself not with someone watching you and besides you might get sick." Tom says. "Aww but Tommy please." You pleased. "Nope maybe later but not right now." Tom says. "Ok Ah-choo *sniff*." You sneezed. "Oh see what did tell you." Tom says as you came inside. He takes off your coat and sees that your hair had frizzed up. "Oh no (y/n) now I have to fix your hair again." Matt said as he gave his plate to Edd and rushed to get the comb and brush. You sat at the table and see pancakes and bacon, you started eating while started talking to Tom. "Uh Tom why did you bring (y/n) inside? She was only playing in the rain." Edd Asked. "Look Edd I just saw someone watching her from afar and I think this has something to do with Tord." Tom says as he looked out the window. "Ugh Jeez not this again Tom I think you're turning into a protective father or worse a paranoid father who thinks something bad is gonna happen to (y/n)." Edd said. "Edd I'm serious about this what if Tord is gonna try to kill us or take (y/n) to do something bad to her or maybe just torture us." Tom said. "Tom let it go Tord's not coming back to "kill us" just please let it go." Edd said as he walked away. Tom knew he saw someone out there and he wasn't gonna let anything her (y/n) even if has to kill them.

Meanwhile at the Red Army Base
Pat and Pau were fixing Tord arm, they had to give him a robotic arm since his arm had to be chopped off. One of Tord's spy's were watching his friends and daughter making sure if anything was happening. "Sir nothing so far one of them with the black eyes has seen me and took (y/n) inside. Something tells me he knows what's going on." Said the spy. "Ok that will be all for now............*looks at photo* My Sweetheart, (Y/n) all I wanted was you to be here with me and now I have no choice but to take back what was once mine."

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