Years Later

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You were about 14 years old and things have gotten worse over time. Tom had gone with Tord,Matt did as well but it was just you and Edd. Edd was very angry at Tord for what he did he banned cola all across the world, he wanted to kill himself from such a terrible future but you stopped him before he could do so. Tord was looking for you both, however, you and Edd were hidden somewhere away from Tord. In a abandoned building that must have collapsed slightly since there have been bombs dropped so much. "We need to fix this, there's nothing left and,and I want Tommy and Matty back but then again Tom is under Tord's control he would just take us away or separate us......what does Tord want from me?!" You Shouted. "(Y/n) if only I was paying more attention to our surroundings and listening to Tom none of us would in this stupid mess!....I'm sorry sweetie I'm just tired of this and I want them back as much as you do, but Tom and Matt aren't coming back." Suddenly a loud noise shook the whole building you and Edd made it out almost okay; you had a huge cute on your leg and could hardly walk just as you and Edd could hide Tom found you. Tom looked so different as if he didn't even remember you. "Edd you are in big trouble and I'm here to take you to the Red Leader.....(y/n) your coming too now don't make this hard even more just come with me and you won't have to worry about anything." Tom said while still pointing a gun at Edd. "N-No I won't I rather die and don't hurt Eddy either!!!" You Shouted. "(Y/n) just let it go there is nowhere to hide everything that was once a beautiful place has gone to ashes, don't worry I'll be fine *winks*." Edd said as two more red army soldiers took him away. "Nooo Eddy please come back!!! EDDY!!!" You yelled. "Come on (y/n) it's time to see the Red Leader I'm sure he'll be so happy to see you." Tom said with a smile.

You were separated from Edd as you were in some cell with your foot chained to a wall. You could hear yelling from the other side. You knew it was too good to be true, your only way out of here was a small crack in wall that had an tiny hole. "(Y/n) he wants to see you let me just set you free and you better not kick me or else I'll just shock you." Tom said as he unlocked the chain. "You don't remember me as much as you should but you are not the same father I once loved. You hated him how could just join his side like that?! But I guess you really don't care about me anymore nor Matty you just said if I kick you you'd shock me...I don't even know you anymore." You Said. "That's not true (y/n) and you know it besides we do love you very much it would be a shame if he love you anymore. I love you very much and it hurt me to think you would even say that." Matt said as he walked in front of you. "I never said I didn't love've been with Edd too much thinking the wrong ideas, and besides I missed you but you wouldn't trust me anymore you would always run away from me like I was some monster." Tom said as you all had reached the door. "Come in." Red Leader Said in a happy tone of voice. "Well hello dear it's been such a long time since I have seen you. Why were you running from me? Are you afraid of me love? Or was it Edd telling you such horrible lies about me?" Red Leader Asked you. "They weren't lies you monster! Whatever you did to him I'll never forgive you for what you did to him, you fucking bitch!" You yelled. "(Y/n) don't curse in front of him like that what has gotten into you!" Tom said holding you back. "Calm down (y/n)!" Matt said as he was too holding you back. Red Leader walked to you and slaps you hard on your cheek making you cry in pain cause a little blood to come out. "Don't you ever call me that again! Now you are gonna obey me and you won't escape me either, Tom and Matt will watch you every move and if you so much as leave....I'll make your nightmare into a reality." Red Leader Said as he also told Tom and Matt take you back to your cell. "I can't believe you said that (y/n) you really have changed maybe he's right maybe I should put that collar on you. That tracking device will keep know where you are at all times, would you like it on?" Tom asked. "No and don't touch me!

Let's see what happens next, what do think is gonna happen? 😀

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