Monster Edd pt 2

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Edd was guarding you making sure no was gonna hurt his little girl, Edd was getting sleepy so he grabbed you gently and keeping you warm in his arms. You both go to sleep and spend the rest of the night in a cave. In the morning you woke up in with a terrible headache and curious where you were, you realized that you weren't in the Red Army Base anymore and saw a green monster hugging you keeping you warm. "Ahh! What are you!?" You screamed. " *Whine*" Monster Edd whimpered. "Wait that's Eddy's hoodie and coat torn....Eddy? Is that you?" You Asked. "Yes love it's me, if you're curious how I got this way....well Tord kept me in there for a reason after he was done telling me that he was gonna turn you into a monster as well, I got really pissed. You see he knew that me, Matt, and Tom have powers well Matt can only turn into a vampire and Tom can turn to a monster, that would leave me with toxic powers. Though I have no idea how Tord would even know we have them I guess he wanted to use us as his special experiment on his enemies when they would attack him. And I didn't want Tom shocking you anymore so I just snapped." Monster Edd said.

Tom's POV
Damnit I can't believe Edd actually turned into that monster, *sigh* this can't be happening and what (y/n) think I didn't love her anymore? She really has changed and I can't imagine why she would even stab Tord in the first place. Once I get her back I'll keep close eye on her and Edd I really need to get him back to normal or he's stuck like this forever. My sweet little girl *looks at picture of you* I'll get you back if it's the last thing I do.

Tord's POV
This is getting out of hand first (y/n) stabs me in the eye with a piece of glass next Edd turns into that monster and now I have no idea where they are because Edd ripped the tracking device off! *Sigh* I really think Edd told her everything about me starting with me killing people and controlling Tom and Matt. He is right but he doesn't know about the whole story about me and why I want (y/n) all to myself. (Y/n) I saw strength, bravery, and courage inside her yet I also fear inside her too, even when she was young she would be so scared of me as if I was someone she wouldn't trust. She would act so playful and smile around the others but with me it was a fake smile like she was seeing me as some demon.
A killer is what she saw me as and even though I try to make her see that I'm nothing like what you think I am. My own daughter afraid of me...I know something is wrong with me but when I saw happiness in her eyes I still see a girl in fear. (Y/n) I'm so sorry for what I've done to make you so scared of me, was it the way I would look at her, no I slapped her without even thinking first. I need to fix things.

Will he change his heart or fix what he caused? What do you think 😉

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