Years Later pt 2

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You were put in a cell with only one bed that didn't look comfortable so you just lay on the floor as you felt like there was nothing else to do. Edd was somewhere separated from you in a room where you couldn't see him. Tom and Matt were guarding you cell door only when Red Leader would tell not to or get you food. You hated this so much that you wanted to just leave and never come back. "(Y/n) are you gonna eat I mean yes he put you in here but you still have to eat. Are you even listening to me or are just ignoring me? (Y/N)!" Tom said as he called Red Leader to come and get you. "What is it Thomas?" Red Leader Said in a cold voice. "She won't listen and she's not eating should I shock her?" Tom said. "No not yet let me talk to her okay?" Red Leader Says. ⚠️ Warning this might get bloody ⚠️ You were holding a piece of glass in your hand that you found under the bed and shoved it in Red Leader's dead eye. "Hah take that you son of a bitch!" You Said as you escape the cell and run to find Edd. "Ahhhh! My eye my one dead eye! Guards get her NOW!" Red Leader Said he was covering his bloody eye. "The hell happened in here we only went to use the restroom. Wait sir are you okay?! Where's (y/n)!?" Tom asked Red Leader as he was trying to cover the bloody eye. "S-She stabbed me with the glass...Ah Damnit she went to go find Edd you must get her or she'll find out what happened to Edd." Red Leader Said. Tom and Matt nodded and went to go find you.

Meanwhile with Edd (POV)
I can't believe those assholes fucking put a shock collar on her. Tom Matt what's happened to you guys. Heh they say they love her but if you really love her so much you wouldn't put a damn shock collar on her like she's some dangerous monster. I fear she'll die if they shock her and if that does happen I'll kill them for even doing that. "Eddy I found you!" (Y/n) Said. "*gasp* (y/n) you found me but how did you get past Tom and Matt?" I asked. "They left so I grabbed a random glass under the bed to blind Tord with it but I think he knows where I am because this isn't just a shock collar but an tracking device too." (Y/n) Said. "Wait a tracking device!? (Y/n) break the glass and I'll try to get that off you once we find somewhere to hide." I Said.

"Not so fast (y/n) you are going back to your cell now! Or unless you wanna get shocked by this." Tom said in a cold voice. " Please love we don't wanna hurt you just come back to the cell." Matt holding a gun pointing at you. "NEVER!" You Said as you were about to throw something to break Edd free. "Ahhhh! Ahhhh! S-s-stoOp It Ahhh! Ahhh!" You screamed. "Nooo (Y/N) stop it!!!" Edd Shouted bagging on the glass window. "That's enough Thomas I think she had enough, now Edd unless you want to see her again then you will do everything I say, are we clear?" Red Leader Says. "Never you fucking piece of shit! How could you just shock her like that Tom you heartless bastard!" Edd Shouted. "I'm not heartless I was just doing what I was told and besides she's only acting like this because you told her such lies about Tord. Edd just join us we will become friends again and you won't have to be in guilt anymore." Tom said. "Yeah just let it go and we can be-." Matt was cut off by Edd. "YOU SHOCKED MY DAUGHTER AND EXPECT ME TO JUST JOIN YOU!? Grrr I won't let you kill her you bastard!!!

 "YOU SHOCKED MY DAUGHTER AND EXPECT ME TO JUST JOIN YOU!? Grrr I won't let you kill her you bastard!!!

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This is Edd turning into a monster art not mine
"GRRR TORD YOUR DEAD!!!" Edd Shouted. Edd turns into a terrifying beast with sharp claws and sharp teeth wanting to just kill everything in is path to only protect you from him. "Holy Shit Edd calm down...Oh no that's not Edd anymore he changed like me when I turned into that monster."

What's happened to Edd? You guess 😉

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