Madien In The Meadow

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Looking out the window, it was gloomy. Gloomy and boring. Grandomina use to once be so pretty and full of life, now it's the most lifeless town existing. It was July and dark clouds, storm clouds, filled the sky. Yet it did not rain, it just made Grandomina lose it's colour and become grey. Even the people weren't happy. They always had an expression of anger or depression. A smile was now a rare thing for some of the people who lived here. Everyone was glum and boring.

I stood staring at the colourless city out of my window. It wasn't my window but it was classed as that in the main area of our home and that's where I would often stand, staring at the miserable town. I was the Prince of Grandomina and I lived with my four fellow friends, Keir, Shane, Drew and Luke. We lived just outside the town on a hilltop in a mansion, thank you to the King, so I could have the beautiful, or, 'beautiful' view of Grandomina. But today was one of the worse days in Grandomina. A suicide has happened. She was a only a little girl, age fourteen, and she ended her life last night by drinking lye, a form of bleach. Her insides had been burnt and dissolved, causing her a slow and painful death. What a shame. I had been told she did it out of depression. Having no life or no fun drove her mind in the suicidal direction and there her life had come to an end. Her funeral was this afternoon and I was asked to attend to say some words for the King, since he was now almost ready for his deathbed at such an old age that he couldn't even leave the castle without a bone breaking. So I was asked to go on his behalf.

"Laurence?" I heard a small voice behind me. I turned my head to see Kier standing not too far from me, with a glum look on his face and dressed all in black, like myself. "Did you collect the flowers for the funeral? It was the young girls mothers request to the King to get flowers and since you have to take the Kings duties...did you get them?" I sighed and remembered I hadn't gotten the flowers.

"I haven't yet, it didn't cross my mind since this morning so thank you for reminding me." I replied, plainly. Kier nodded his head and turned away. Myself and my friends weren't usually as glum as the rest of the people in Grandomina, in fact we were always quite chirpy and bright, but the suicide of a young girl had just drained all of that out of us today. I took one last glance out the window and sighed at the miserable sight and then walked away from the window, towards the rooms exit. I walked down the corridor, slowly, passing other rooms as I made my way towards the stairs. The first room I passed, I looked in, had Shane and Drew sat at a table together also wearing all black. Their expressions were dead. Shane looked like he was drawing something, but by the look on his face, the drawing mustn't of been happy. Drew sat opposite with a bottle of whiskey next to him and his head in his hands. I carried on walking down the corridor and peered into another room and saw Luke, also in all black, staring out the window the same way I was, with that glum expression. The silence and the thought of the funeral was not a nice feeling. I wasn't use to feeling so dead inside. I reached the top of the stairs. Usually I'd quickly run down them, but today I took my time, slowly and carefully placing each foot on the wood of the stair, letting it creek and echo around the halls. I reached the bottom of the stairs and then strolled over to the front door. Where would be the best place to get flowers? Not the flower shops in town, they'd be all dead from lack of care. I needed fresh flowers, ones which have only just grown. Ah I know! Elderflower Meadow. Elderflower Meadow always had beautiful sprouting flowers, no matter what the weather. I put my hand on the door knob and twisted it. The front door open and I stepped outside the house, closing the door behind me. I looked up and all I could see was the thick rolls of grey, taking over the sky. There was chilly breeze going about to, which made me shiver slightly. I crossed my arms to stop me shivering and then proceeded to walk forward, off of my front porch. I was relieved that to get to the meadow, I didn't have to go through town. I've had enough depression for one day and for my entire life. I strolled down a stoned path, trying not to trip or get my boots stuck in between the gaps of each stone. I arrived at Elderflower Meadow within ten minutes. Ten minutes of painful silence. This was the only place which still had colour. The grass was bright green and surprisingly healthy and scattered around were flowers in colours of red, blue, purple, pink, white, yellow and so on. It brought a small warmth to my heart. I pushed open the rusting gate to the meadow and walked in. The grass and flowers were now up to my knees since it hadn't been mowed in such a long time. I walked up towards the middle of the meadow, where most of the flowers grew and then knelt down into the grass and began to pick the flowers, choosing the most colourful and radiant ones. The grass was now almost touching my face, making my nose itch.

After a moment or two of picking flowers, I heard a notice. It sounded like singing. I stopped and listened for a minute. It was very faint, but I could kind of make it out. I could tell it was a girl and she was singing. I stood up off of my knees with the flowers in my hand and looked around me. It took me a couple of seconds, but I then spotted someone, a few metres away from me, singing and dancing within the flowers. I had to squint to try and make out who it was but my eyes had not seen that face before. It was a young girl, looked around my age, with long, wavy white hair. It was pure white, like fresh snow. I could see she had very pale skin aswell, like a light porcelain colour. Her unusual hair colour and paleness had me mesmerised. Taking the flowers with me, I slowly began to move forward, getting closer to her. I had to sort of kick and fight off the grass because it was so long. I was pretty close to her now, but she had not noticed me, surprisingly. I could now see her more clear. She was singing a song in what seemed to be a different language, a language which I had never came across before. She had a baby pink bow in her snowy white hair and she wore a white, flowing, summer dress. She was spinning on the spot with a bunch of flowers in her hand and singing a song. I had been watching her for a couple of moments that I thought I should make my presence known. I cleared my throat loud enough for her to hear. She suddenly stopped and gasped. She stared right at me with a panicked look. I could now see her face clearly. She also had pale, almost white eyebrows and eyelashes along with a very light shade of blue eyes, almost crystal clear. Only now, because she was standing still, I noticed on her bare, porcelain arms, were thick, red and raised scars starting from her shoulder going all the way down to her wrist on both arms. I gasped as soon as I noticed that, almost as surprised as her expression was.

"Hello ma'am, sorry to scare you." I started, slowly outstretching an arm. She flinched and dropped the flowers from her grasp which also made me jump. "Are you alright?" I asked, a little worried. She stayed frozen, not saying a word. "Hey, I'm not going to harm you." I spoke again, setting one foot forward. She jumped away from me and suddenly turned around and started running away from me, like I was a murderer or something. "Ma'am, wait!" I cried out to her. She ignored me and didn't look back. She sprinted into the distance till I could no longer see her. I stood there for a while, thinking about what just happened within those moments. Who was that extraordinary girl? She was not like any of the other girls in Grandomina, in fact, I had never seen her before. How strange. I slowly walked back to where I originally was with an expression of confusion and knelt back down to pick a few more flowers. I now had the image of the girl with snow white hair stuck in my mind. Who was that girl? I carried on picking the most colourful flowers until I had a huge bunch of them, almost dropping them out of my hands and then decided to return back to my mansion and prepare myself and the others for the young girls funeral this afternoon.

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